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The Hermits are in middle school for this one. This is in our favorite red-sweatered chaos bean's POV--That's right, This is in Grian's POV!

I walked out of the kitchen, carrying my tray holding a sloppy joe, mashed potatoes, apple juice, and chocolate milk. I see Mumbo on the other side of the room.

"What if I..." I whispered to myself before setting my tray down on an empty bit of table and grabbing a blob of mashed potatoes.

I flung the potatoes in Mumbo's direction but ended up falling short, hitting Tango. He and his friends started laughing.

"Oops," I said as Tango threw half a sloppy joe in my direction.

I dodged just in time, the sloppy joe hitting a girl with light brown hair. I think her name is Pearl. She grabbed her friend's slushie and used the spoon as a catapult to launch some at Tango, but it flew off-course and smacked Gem in the face.

Suddenly everything descended into chaos. Everyone and their brother were throwing food at their friends, enemies, and everyone in between. Food, laughter, and screams were thrown around the cafeteria. Some girls were trying to run outside or to the gym or library--anywhere they could get away from the chaos.

"FOOD FIGHT!" Tango called out the two words that were nightmare fuel for lunch ladies.

I grabbed my food and ran over to where Mumbo was sitting, dodging to avoid getting hit with food.

"Grian, how the heck this this happen?!" He asked.

"Uh..." I said. "Do you want the long or the short version?"

"Short version," Mumbo replied quickly.

"I tried to throw some mashed potatoes at you, but I missed and hit Tango and...this happened..." I explained. 

"I could've guessed that," Mumbo sighed.

"WATCH OUT!" I yelled, tackling Mumbo to avoid either of us getting hit with an apple.

"That was a close one," he panted.

I felt someone trip over us and heard a loud "Oof!"

"Scar?" Mumbo and I said at the same time.

"Oh- uh- hi?" He stammered. "What's happening? Why is there food flying all over the place?"

"He started a food fight," Mumbo sighed, pointing his thumb at me.

"I- uh- yeah that's a good summary." I said awkwardly. "Well, should we go kick some butt?"

Mumbo laughed. "Of course!"

We split up after that. Mumbo and Scar went off to do their thing while I padded to where Pearl was at. I wound my way through the crowd until I got to the empty space around her. She was facing the table and I was behind her as she flung blue slushie off her spoon. I crept closer to her and I was soon within reaching distance of her slushie cup. She picked up another spoonful of slushie and suddenly...



"Wait- where did my slushie go?"

I wound my way through the crowd and flying food until I got the cart with all the condiments and plastic utensils on it. I grabbed a spoon and ran over to where Mumbo and Scar were hiding behind a flipped-over table.

"Why's everyone attacking over there?" Scar asked.

"Well, there's this girl--her name is Pearl--who stole her friend's slushie and started flinging it at everybody. She hasn't been hit since she initially got smacked in the face with Tango's sloppy joe. And then I stole her slushie." I recapped.

"But you haven't gotten hit at all," Mumbo pointed out.

"I'm to short to be noticed. Or maybe people thought I already got hit because my sweater looks like a' tomato."

"The didn't have tomatoes for lunch today," said Mumbo.

"Well, good job Mr. Observant," I said sarcastically.

I grabbed a sloppy joe off the ground and threw it across the room, aiming for no one in particular. Then I grabbed the slushie and started catapulting it at anything bigger than me I saw move.

Then there was the sound of way too much air going through a whistle too fast and the room went silent.

"What is going on here!" said the stern voice of the principal.

I hate this part, I thought.

"Who started this?"

Everyone was silent.

"If you don't confess now, you'll have a much worse punishment later."

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "I-I did, I started it," I sighed.

"Come here," said the principal. "The rest of you, clean this mess up!"


It was now the end of the day. I grabbed the office phone and dialed in my mom's number.

"Uh, hey mom--it's me, Grian-" I said into the phone.

"What did you do this time?" Mom sighed.

"I-I started a food fight at lunch."

"My God Grian! That's the worst thing you've done!" she yelled. 

I winced.

"I'm adding an entire month to your grounding time! I'm so-" I interrupted her

"I-I need you to pick me up from school at about 5:30. Bye," I quickly say before putting the telephone back on the stand.

"Are you done?" the secretary asked.

"Y-yes," I quickly said before walking out of the room with a mop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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