Caught in the act?!

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We were now all sat in the "Band shrine", as Emily made her way down the stairs. "Hello guys, sorry I'm late" she pleaded  as hunter stared her down, she kissed Kevin on the cheek as she walked past him. She wasn't in school today  and Kevin informed us not not ask about it either. Hunter sighed and stood up, "There's a gig that's opened up in a bar in town, the auditions are next week so we need to pick a few songs and get our shit together" he demanded taking a scrunched up piece of paper out of his pocket. "Here are the songs I was thinking" he began to read out the list after about three or four songs he turned to me, "And this time Y/N get's to pick our finishing song, and no we can't play Custer" I grunted, annoyed, I guess he knows me all too well. "Ugh, in that case let's go wit-" he cut me off "Not Whiplash either" I kicked him in the knee as Emily and Kev laughed behind me "Fine, fuck you" I yelled as he too began to laugh. This pissed me off and I somehow managed to tackle him to the ground, I was on top of him yet within seconds the odds were now with him and he was on top of me pinning my hands above my head. We stayed still for a few seconds as we shared eye contact, that Asshole dared to smirk. I kicked his arm away and sat up covering the blush on my cheeks with my hand. "You still need to pick the song" Emily teased. "Painkiller" I managed to say, I picked up my jacket and ran up the stairs confused as fuck from Hunters strange recent behaviour. "Where's he going?" I heard Kevin say behind me as I made my way out of Hunter's house and into the street where it was currently raining. 

Wow just great. This was the one day I didn't take a jacket with a hood. I quickly slipped into the coat but the rain was warm and pleasant compared to the bitter air prickling my skin. I breathed heavily as I felt myself begin to hyperventilate, as Images of Hunter on top of me flashed through my mind. How just a few minutes before Kevin arrived he kissed me so passionately. That dickhead has me all wrapped around his finger, and by what it looked like he knows it too. We've been friends for so long so why now out of all times. I began thinking that maybe this was just his way of getting back at me for something. Fuck I hope not, I love the way his lips felt on mine the way his rough fingers carressed my face so delicately.

Suddenly, I stopped feeling the rain drops hit my nose, I turned around to find Hunter standing behind me with and umbrella over my head.  "It's not good to stay out in the rain like this, you'll catch a cold" he said pulling me next to him under his coat. I grabbed the side of his coat still unable to breathe properly, literally out of fucking no where he pulled me into a hug and I laid my head against his chest, he began to brush his hand through my hair "You're okay, don't worry" he kept repeating as I slowly regained my breathing pattern. He seemed to have noticed too but he didn't let go of me "I'm sorry about the way I acted today, I just couldn't control myself anymore" he stopped waiting for me to say something but I just stayed silent waiting for the full truth. "I just feel so comfortable around you and you bring out the best in me Y/N, I've felt about you this way from the day we met and I just can't hold it back anymore." his breathe quickened as he placed his head on top of mine. "Can't hold what back" I questioned like the fucking Daft idiot I am. "You really are oblivious" he laughed dryly, "I like-" he now cut himself off and let go of me, taking a few steps back. "I love you Y/N." he said as the words echoed through my head. He loves me? I just stood there for a second before Grabbing his face and removing the space he had created between us. First he stood shocked then he took my cheek and began kissing me back. There was now no space between us. Between kisses I mumbled "I love you too, you dickhead" which made him giggle. His hand moved  from my cheek to the back of my head.

"Guys, what are you doing out here in the rain, you're both going to catch a cold!" I heard Emily yell as she stood behind us. Ignoring her Hunter continued the kiss until we where both breathless. I turned and looked at her with an awkward smile. I could feel Hunter grinning behind me and I just wanted to kick him. "OMG, So it's finally happening" She yelled to Kevin who was a few feet behind her. Hunter slipped his fingers into my hand, held it and then held it up so that Kevin could catch onto what was going on. "God, I thought you'd never confess, this Shit took you guys way too long" he laughed holding Emily's hand. "Wait, you two knew about this the whole time!?"

Writer's note: I know it's all going very fast but you'll soon see why ;)

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