Hunter, What the fuck?

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It was a normal day at school I walked down the hallway to your locker which was next to one of my bestfriends. I wore my favourite Slipknot shirt, with my basic black skinny jeans, Black zip-up boots and my chain. As i reached my locker, he was already there.  Hunter Sylvester. What a guy, he's chaotic to say the least but always manages to look like he knows what he's doing. He has this beautiful long black hair with the most delicate waves, he was quite a bit taller than me but that didn't matter in the slightest. I stood next to him and he smiled "Heyy Y/N, how's it going?" he said as he just shut his locker. "Not too bad, yet." I replied shoving my books into my locker before slamming it shut. I looked up at him waving at Kevin, he was trying to tell him something but it was too late as Kevin crashed against the lockers and then onto the floor, his stuff spilling onto the floor out of his arms. Hunter rushed to help him as I walked up to Hoffman and elbowed him in the side "Watch where you're going you fucking cunt." I muttered and then too rushed to help Kevin.                           " Tell your little nerd friend to watch where he's going next time" he retorted. As I got back to Hunter and Kevin they were now stood by Kevin's locker " Are you okay?" I questioned Kevin as he stuffed his backpack into his locker. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks" he answered trying to seem unbothered. Hunter, now standing behind me grabbed my shoulders and pun me around, "That was Badass as fuck Y/N" He declared, he was right up in my face and I felt my face begin to heat up but his cheeks were already covered with a light flush of pink. He let go of my shoulders and I just agreed with him "I am pretty badass" I winked at Hunter, just to be elbowed by Kevin in the side, I gasped as the air in my lungs escaped all at once. In return I messed up his hair causing him to kick me in the shin. Our little fight went on for a good five minutes. "Okay, that's enough" Hunter said in a stern voice as he held my arm before it could reach Kevin's glasses. I rolled my eyes, my arm still in hunters hand. He didn't let go and instead waved to Kevin and dragged my down the corridor to English. 

We sat next to each other and spent the whole lesson talking about the book I finally got him to read, he may seem like an idiot but he's actually quite smart- with a little help. He also mentioned about how he overheard Hoffman and Clay talking about his Birthday party, telling me to prepare to getting dragged by Kevin. Again. The Lesson finished fast as we spent the remainder of it geeking about Metallica. As the bell rang i grabbed my tote bag and walked to the door, I stopped at the door moaning at Hunter to hurry up.

We walked to the Cafeteria to find Kevin daydreaming? He was sat staring into the distance. Or was he? As me and Hunter sat down his focus shifted to me. "Hey Kev, who are you staring at?" I teased as he as he picked up his drink and took a sip. "No one." He answered moving to the side to get a better view of the girl behind me. It was the British chick. Emily? Hunter now noticed it too and started explaining how she's in our English class "That chick's wild" I exclaimed as Kevin nodded in agreement. Deciding to change the subject to not further fluster Kevin I asked Hunter if we were still meeting up after school for our daily practice/study session. "Yup, especially since there wasn't one yesterday," he laughed brushing his hair out of his face.

After lunch I went to my next class, Art. I fucking love to draw. I love it. But the kids in my class are a bunch of Assholes. I sat in my usual corner seat, finishing off my drawing to later glue into my book as I heard my name muttered in front of me "Yeah, that kid Y/N he's so fucking weird, no shock he's a F-slur,"  the girl said as I stared into her eyes with a straight face, pointing my middle finger at her followed by a sweet smile. After art I met Hunter outside the school, I got into his car and he drove us to his house. The journey there was basically Slipknot playing and me ranting about the homophobic fucks at our school in between singing. We arrived shortly at his house as he finally managed to park the car properly. We got inside the house and I greeted his father with a smile "Good day, sir" he looked tat me then back at Hunter shaking his head "Oh hi, Y/N" he recalled finally getting my name right, Hunter again took my arm and dragged me along with him as he made his way up the stairs and to his room, after he finally let go of my arm he flopped onto his bed and sighed "I fucking hate him" he spat, this was towards his father and from what Hunter had told me about him he was a shit parent. I sat on the bed besides him and laid down next to him "So what do you wanna look at today?" I said in a soft spoken voice trying to distract him. He spun around and hopped off his bed digging through the medium pile of stuff in the corner of his room, "Ah, found it!" he exclaimed holding up a small note book. I Proceeded to help him with maths but after maybe half an hour we started talking about Metal. Heavy fucking metal, the good stuff not even Kevin had been introduced to yet. Getting even more side tracked we were now sat at the edge of his bed, Lifting his hand up off the bed he ended up touching my hand. After he moved his hair out of his face he placed his hand on top of mine, I blushed lightly not expecting this kind of thing from him. He held my face with his other hand gently caressing my cheek, rubbing his thumb up and down. I began to melt into his soft touch as he gripped my face more harshly and turning it so that we were staring into each others eyes. Before I could say anything his lips were on mine, we shared a kiss as I nudged him away. "Hunter, What the fuck!"

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