Chapter 6: At least one of us got our prince charming

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(Warning: PG 13 this chapter contains swear words, you are advised not to read it if you're not comfortable.)

©copyright (slyy_1516)

Chapter 6: At least one of us got our prince charming


"Bitch, that dress looks hot!" Beth said excitedly as she dragged me into another store for the eighth time, insisting that I try it on.

But as usual the minute I try it on, it just doesn't turn out to be what I wanted.

I just wished I was one of those girls who step into the first store they see, try a dress and somehow manage to come out looking like a goddess in it.

"I am starting to question the fact if ure actually the one going shopping instead of me." I said as I glanced down at the amount of bags Beth was holding.

So far she had bought 2 pairs of shoes, 2 dresses, 1 denim short and 3 makeup sets while I on the other hand had nothing.


This was getting harder than I thought. I was frustrated, disappointed and hungry.

As if she was reading my mind, Beth suggested that we went to Mac for a break.

Of course I couldn't resist the offer and we went to Mac to order some drinks and nuggets.

"This is heaven." I said as I bit into a nugget.

Beth sipped on her coke and all of a sudden she started to choke on it.

I started at her wide-eyed wondering what the hell happened.

"Don't look behind." She managed to say out.

I immediately turned because hey that's a human reaction if you tell me not to look, the rebel in me would look and I mean what can be so bad for my eyes that I couldn't look? Don't tell me it's...

"Crabapples." I whispered when I saw what Beth had been warning me about.

That was indeed bad for the eyes.

Gosh, was he hot.

His button down shirt, long pants and swoon-worthy hair.

I didn't care that I probably looked like an idiot for staring at him but damm, he looked like he just came out from one of those vogue magazines.

Don't do this to me Aiden.

Beside him was his brother and Beth looked like she was going to get a heart-attack soon too.

When they saw us and started walking to us, it was as if time had stopped. I began to feel really self-conscious as I touched up my hair and clothes discreetly. god, I did brush my teeth this morning did I? And damm why hadn't I thought of putting on lip gloss today?

This is bad Mia, since when did you become so self-conscious.

Since the day Aiden was born.

I snatched the napkins that MacDonalds provided from the table and attempted to hide beneath it.

Don't ask me why I did that. When your crush walks towards you, you just tend to become a little brain dead, either that or fate just doesn't want you to end up with him, so it gives you some of your most embarrassing moments.

"Mia, what are you doing?" I heard Aiden chuckle.

Damm, he just had to spot me didn't he?

"Uh, I was wiping my sweat?" I tried to smile but I was sure it came out as more of a grimace.

"Yeah, great one Mia, it freaking air-conditioned in here." Beth snorted and I kicked her in the shin.

"Ouch, so violent." Beth complained.

Aiden laughed in response and Austin managed a smile.

At least we both made our crushes smile, and that was supposed to be a good thing right?

"Hey Mia, remember that tuition I offered to give?" Aiden spoke.

No, because whenever I see you, I tend to forget everything.

"Yeah." I replied trying to act really calm, but I was sure I failed anyway.

"How about we have it tomorrow at your place, around 2pm?" He smiled showing his cute dimples.

Damm those dimples.

"Yeah, that's fine." I managed to say without sounding overly excited.

"Cool, see you around Mia." He said.

As I turned my attention back to Beth, she was talking to Austin, and they seem to be doing well. He laughed at her jokes and she smiled at his.

I smiled. At least one of us got our prince charming.


Realising I had made a wasted trip to the mall, I was frustrated for not being able to find the dress I wanted.

Guess that means I would have to go back there another time.

"Mia. I have a surprise for you." River grinned and said once I got home.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

The last time he said that, it didn't end well. That idiot had blindfolded me and pushed me into the freezing pool.


If he tries another prank again, I swear he would be the one ending up in the pool this time.

"Hey, I am not going to push you into the pool again." He defended.

"We can't be too sure can we?" I glared at him.

But before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and led me to my room.

"Close your eyes." He said grinning.

There wasn't any pool in my room, that I can be sure of but who was to say what else he can come up with?

"No." I said stubbornly.

"Come on sunshine, just this once please? I promise if you don't like the surprise you can cut off my balls."

"Now, that was your suggestion, I would hold you to your word." I smirked.

"At least it will be worth it." River muttered.

I closed my eyes and River led me into my room, I heard the crinkling of a plastic wrapper before something was being placed into my hands.

That was the cue for me to open my eyes and I did so only to see a white box placed nicely on my palms.

"Open it." He said staring at me expectantly.

"I swear River if this is another one of your pr-"

"Its not." He cut me off and I could see the sincerity in his eyes so much so that I just had to open the box.

I carefully lifted the lid and unwrapped the wrappers, beneath what seemed like a million wrappers laid a beautiful white dress.

I gasped and admired it's beautiful as I lifted the dress up cautiously, scared as if a single touch could possibly ruin it.

"Do you like it?" River asked nervously, it was an expression i seldom saw on him.

"Are you kidding me? Like it? I love it! This is beautiful River!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you so much!" I said as I hugged him. Even I was surprised at my own actions, and I could tell River was not expecting that too, but he soon relaxed into the hug.

It was then that I truly felt relieved that I had not managed to buy anything from the mall.

"Where did you get this? Is it expensive?" I asked River.

"Don't worry about the price, take it as a gift. I am glad you like it." River smiled. And it wasnt just a smirk or anything he usually shows. It was a real genuine smile.

"You should smile more often." I couldnt control the next six words that came out of my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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