Alternate Ending Pt.4

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I take a step away from him and frown. That was weird. I never knew that a werewolf could heal its mate's wounds. And especially in such a disgusting way.

"Why did you bring her here?" I angrily ask once Thorin is standing up. "We thought you'd want to see her. We had no idea you two had a bad relationship."

"We're sorry, we truly are. What can we do to make it up to you?" "Tell their middle names!" Adira hisses in my mind. I think nothing back to her, I don't want to risk them knowing our plan.

"I don't have to sleep in the same bed as either of you." I grin wickedly. "No! You were supposed to get middle names!" Adira screeches. I would've asked for separate rooms but they would've said no, not sharing a bed was my second best option.

Their eyes cloud over and they say nothing in response. They must be mindlinking. "One week of not sleeping in the same bed. That's our only offer." Do I take the deal? "Fine."

"Now Nate, let's have supper." Thorn snaps his fingers and out rushes three, maids? The maids hurry to and from the door they came out of carrying food and drinks.

"Is this to your hignesses' liking?" One maid asks as she bows. "Yes. The three of you can go back to the kitchen now." Thorin dismisses them with a wave of his hand.

I walk to the long table and sit at one of the middle seats. I expected Thorn and Thorin to take the end seats, but no, they sit directly across from me.

I grab my plate and start filling it with food. "Here let me." Thorn pulls the plate out of my hand and starts filling it with food. "I could've done that myself." I snap at him.

"I know. But it's our job to care and provide for you." And control me, I want to add. "I can take care of myself. I've cared for three wounded soldiers while I myself was injured. Filling a plate full of food is nothing compared to that!"

Thorn lowers his eyes and hands me back my plate. "Don't think I'm some weak little girl just because I'm short. I've fought and killed ten werewolves while they were in wolf form. I killed them with nothing more than my knife." I spit at them.

Now Thorin lowers his eyes and stares at his empty plate. Seeing as my point is across, I start to eat the overly seasoned chicken on my plate.

No one says a word to each other the entire meal. Only when Thorn calls for a maid to refill his glass does anyone speak.

After we finish eating the maids come and clear everything away. Leaving the three of us sitting at an empty table.

"Why did you discharge me from the marines?" I ask. "We couldn't stand how often you got hurt. We wanted you here, safe with us." Thorn explains. I should've just let those ten werewolves rip me apart.

"No you shouldn't have. You belong here, safe with us." Their eyes have changed from forest green to pitch black. Their wolves have control now.

"I belong to no one!" I snarl at them. "Wrong! You belong to us. You belong on your back in our bed. You belong carrying our pups. You belong to us until the day you die." That's it, those little shits have flipped my bitch switch and I'm angrier than hell.

As I open my mouth to scream an obscene amount of curse words at them I feel my teeth start to retract into my skull. I feel my whole body start to shrink and something start to painfully pop out of my skin.

"Caw!" I'm a bird! I raise my wings up and down, trying to fly. "No, no. Like this." I feel Adira take control and we start to rise up.

"Our mate is a raven!" Their eyes are back to forest green and they're staring at me in shock

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"Our mate is a raven!" Their eyes are back to forest green and they're staring at me in shock.

Adira flys us towards them and then we dive bomb them, all the while cawing as loud as our body allows.

"Nate, we're sorry. Our wolves took control. Stop, please." They cover their heads, trying to protect them. This is hilarious, the most powerful wolves in the world hiding from a dive bombing raven.

Adira flys us towards Thorin and then she sharply turns. "She just splattered shit on me." He curses. Adira does the same to Thorn and he curses even louder than Thorin did.

"Whoa. I'm feeling tired Nathan. We're going to have to shift back." Adira swoops down and lands behind the chair we were previously sitting in.

I feel her give me back control and then I start shifting back. I rise up from a crouching position and look at them.

"Why didn't you tell us you're a shifter?" Thorin gasps, clearly having already forgotten the events that just occurred.

"It was none of your damn business." "Well its our business now," Thorin turns to Thorn, "isn't this incredible brother? We are mated to one of the last few bird shifters in America!"

Thorn just grins back at his brother. Why is this so exciting to them? I'm a dirty fucking supernatural, this is not a thing to celebrate.

The two continue to chatter excitedly, completely forgetting I'm in the room. "I'm outta here." I announce. They don't hear me and continue chattering.

I walk out of the dining hall and down to their room. I go in the closet and start to look for pajamas.

Why does every piece of clothing have to either be a dress or something designer? I hate dresses and designer clothing.

I know they'll throw a fit if I wear the clothes I wore when I got here. So I'm going to have to pick something.

I rifle through the clothes and eventually find an ugly pair of polka dot leggings and a striped t-shirt. How these got into all of these fancy clothes I'll never know. But I'm thankful they did.

"Nate, come on out. You've spent more than enough time in there." How did they get into the room so quietly?!

I do as Thorin says and step out. This time there's no wolf whistles, just a sigh. "I want to tear that off of her." Thorn mutters to his brother. "Same." They think they're being soooo quiet.

As I look at them I notice they're in nothing but their boxers. If they think that's going to distract me and get me to drool over them, they're dead wrong.

"How is sleeping going to work cause we agreed you two can't be in the same bed as me." I personally don't want to sleep anywhere that they've slept, I'd much rather take the floor.

"We'll take the floor, you get the bed." I'd rather it be the other way around, but this works.

I go from the closet to the bed and lay in the middle of it, on top of all the blankets. Wow, this bed in so soft.

"Nate can you get up? We each need to get a blanket." Just when I was getting comfy! I get up and they each take a blanket and a pillow.

Thorn lays on the left side of the bed and Thorin lays on the right. I lay in the middle of the bed.

"Nate, do you want me to turn off the light or do you want to sleep with it on?" Thorn asks. What kind of question is that? Of course I want it off.

"I just wasn't sure if you had some kind of issues after fighting all of these wolves. For all I knew you were scared of the dark. That's why I asked." That's actually pretty nice of him, if you forget that he read my mind to find that out.

The light turns off and I automatically roll onto my stomach and fold my hands together. 'God bless the men and women protecting our country. God, please bless and protect Luke, Brantley, Cole, and Captain. Please keep them safe from the horrors of war. Thank you God. Amen.'

After saying my prayers I roll back over and stare at the ceiling. I wonder what my men are doing right now. Are they okay? Are they hungry? Have they been fighting recently? Do I need to come and help them? Oh wait, I can't help them from here.

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