chapter twenty two - happy endings

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4 years later~

Sunoo hyung, where did you put blue to sleep?" Jungwon asked as he saw Sunoo with out the baby strapped to his back as always.

"He's sleeping with his dad on the couch," Sunoo smiled.

Jungwon nodded and sat on the stool, to watch sunoo finish cooking. He just finished helping sunoo cook.

They all graduated from high school already, Jake, Heeseung and Sunghoon were the only ones that decided to go to college. Apart from them, the others didn't.

Sunoo has a 1 month old daughter, they call her blue, because of how blue she looked when she was just born. But her real name is Nishimura Rinari. And she's besties with Jungwon's unborn son.

Jungwon is 6 months pregnant, with a boy, his name isn't decided as yet.

Jungwon walked to the living room to check on Riki and the baby. Turns out Rin was awake but she's just laying on her father's chest.

"Aww, came here baby," Jungwon picked up the baby, and kisses her fluffy cheek.

He walked back to the kitchen with the baby in his hands.

"Oh, she's awake," Sunoo said when he saw his baby in Jungwon's arms.

"Yep," Jungwon said, but he sat farther away from the heat in the kitchen, but still close enough to have a conversation with sunoo.

"When is Jay gonna be back, my baby misses him already," Jungwon said and rubbed his swollen tummy. And I miss Heeseung too, I wanna lay in his big arms," jungwon said pouting.

"No need to brag about having two mates," sunoo said and playfully rolled his eyes.

He's wearing a lose oversize shirt, so his belly is not very visible, but when he sits, he has a habit of tucking the lose clothes under his belly. So it shows a little.

"Just As he said that, the door opened and Jay walked in with bags from his shopping spree.

"Omg Jay hyung, why did you buy so many things?" Jungwon asked and went to greet him.

"Our baby needs clothes when he's born though," Jay said and pecked Jungwon's lips.

"At least bring me with you when you go shopping for his clothes," Jungwon pouted.

"Ok next time I promise," Jay said and pecked his lips again.

Seemed like Rin was about to fall asleep again, so he tucked her in her rocking bed.

Jungwon felt bored so he went to look at what Jay brought for the baby.

"Really?" Jungwon rolled his eyes.

All the clothes Jay bought are suits and overalls.

"Jay!" He shouted.

He sat down on the other couch, and waited for Jay to come downstairs.

But Jay didn't come down. So he had no other options than to go to him instead. He grabbed the bags and walked upstairs towards their shared room.

"Jay hyung! how do you expe-" he was cut off when he saw Jay inside the room without a shirt.

Jungwon's lips went dry. He swallowed the built up saliva in his mouth.

"Come here baby," Jay said and sat on the bed.

Jungwon dropped the bags, and closed the door with his foot. He walked over to Jay and immediately sat in his lap.

Jay wrapped his hands around his waist feeling the baby bump.

"How is the little one doing?" Jay asked leaning his head in the crook of Jungwon's neck, while gently rubbing jungwon's growing bump.

"He's doing perfect, although he really loves to eat." Jungwon said and chuckled. Jay chuckled with him

"Oh what were you gonna say?" Jay asked.

"Oh! Why did you only buy suits, the baby can't only wear these!" Jungwon shouting getting up from Jay's embrace.

"Well it's for when he gets older and has his little photoshoots." Jay explained.

"Well that's understandable, bit he isn't even born as yet so please buy clothes for him to wear when he's born." Jungwon answered and kissed Jay's forehead, giving into his cute confused look.

I'm going to take a shower now," Jungwon said and walked away.

He grabbed a new towel from the closet and a long oversized dress for comfort and proceeded to the bathroom.

When he entered he was shocked, Jay had set up a bath for him, and he used his favorite scent in it too," Jungwon's eyes started to water and he walked back out to an expecting Jay.

"Aww thank you so much baby," he cried into Jay's shoulder.

"Those pregnancy symptoms are really kicking in rn," Jay laughed.

He knows that if he did this when he wasn't pregnant he would say, "couldn't you at least put candles in here? Or can you get me a bottle of champagne and a wine glass."

Jungwon let go of Jay with a huge smile painted on his face, he's gonna enjoy his bath today.

Don't stay too long in there okay," Jay said and went to lay on the bed still shirtless.

Sunoo finished cooking and made rin a bottle to drink.

Bit when he was feeding her, she didn't drink it or she spat it all out.

Rin started crying, her gums on full display, as her little round face turned a slight red. She was reaching out ot Sunoo even though he was holding her already.

"She wants your boobs," Ni-ki said plainly.

"Omg! when did you wake up?" Sunoo asked startled.

"Just now, cause of her crying." Niki answered rubbing his eye.

Sunoo pulled up his shirt, and put the baby's head under so she can reach his boob. Soon he felt her tiny lips latch onto his nipple.

"Sometimes this world is too unfair to a poor man like me,"Ni-ki said and got up to get a glass of water.

The front door opened and in came Heeseung, Jake, and Sunghoon. Looking like they were running from a serial killer  in a huge maze today.

"Omg I quit school," Jake said and went to get water too.

Heeseung went upstairs, and Sunghoon sat on the couch feeling very tired.

Sunoo looked behind him and Jake was sweating frantically.

"What happened today at school?" Sunoo asked.

"We were running from a rogue alpha that tried to steal me away, I was outside waiting for Sunghoon and Heeseung and he saw me there by myself.

"See I told you to stop wearing such short skirts to school," Sunoo said and checked at Rin.

"Yeah, but Sunghoon almost killed him there," Jake said taking a sip from his water.

Ni-ki went back beside sunoo and Rin, as Sunoo motioned Him to take her, she had fallen asleep again.

"So that's why he has blood on his hands?" Sunoo asked.

"Oh, come Sunghoon-ah let me dress your hand." Jake said and walked to the laundry room , where the first aid kit is kept in a cupboard.


So this is the end of this story, I didn't write the smut I'm horrible at it. And I enjoyed writing this book. This is not the end I have many more books writing and already updated.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book although the writing at the beginning could've been a little better.

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