Chapter 3

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Hello and hello

2nd person P.O.V

After the encounter with Y/n Mia has been looking out for her. While colouring she overheard Yoongi talking on his phone.

"Will I see you at this month's holiday....oh come on Y/n you can't stay cooped up in your room forever.....I'll come and stay there with you then...ok bye love you bear" he hanged up.

He walked away going to his room.

(That's a holiday held for idols alone every 4 months they get 2 weeks for themselves)

Dinner is being served everyone was eating and having fun.

"I have a dinner attending on Idols week and you all are coming with" Yoongi informed.

"Who invited us?"

"A friend of my dad he didn't say who but he said that we should since we don't any plans on where to spend this month's holiday"

"He didn't tell you anything else?"

"No he said a friend of his is inviting  my friends and I to have dinner since as they're going away soon"

"What about that friend of yours?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Y/n won't be seeing you guys anytime soon I will but remember you have a girlfriend"

"I didn't say that I wanted her I said I was just asking about her hyung" He defended.


Soon after dinner Mia went to her room and packed a small suitcase.

She went into Yoongi's room pulling the small suitcase behind her.

"Uncle yoonie I'm ready"

"Ready to go where kitten?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Did you say that you're going to stay with miss Y/n and I want to come" (that's what she said-)

He chuckled. He explained to her that he was going there alone not with or anyone in the house and that her dad was planning to go somewhere with her and her mom.

Even though she was hurt she had to find a way to meet you again.


Your dad told you to cook cause they had guests coming over. You decided to make some soul food. You even made your grandma's famous banana bread and vanilla ice cream from scratch that is.

After all, that was finished you set the table since as everyone was getting ready and you obviously weren't going. Your parents had no problem with that.

Everyone got ready and went downstairs to meet the guest which was now there. You went into your room and played music to hype up yourself.

Your step-mom arrived with your food and drink you thanked her and she went back. You heard when the guest arrived. You turned up the music and went to lie down unfortunately your step-mom called you.


"Sí Ma?"

"¿Podrías venir rápido?"
(Could you come quickly?)

You sighed before getting up muttering some words. You quickly put on a fake smile heading towards the kitchen. There you saw bangtan, some old dude and the kid smiling at you.

"Mr Min this is my daughter Y/n Y/n this is a past friend of mine"

(In the Korean culture (pronounced as shi) ssi/씨 is used as Mr or Ms/Mrs)

"Ahh this is the little y/n you always speak about you have gotten so big"

"Nice meeting you Mr Min" you went over to give him a handshake.

You excused yourself and went into the kitchen for your dessert. While eating someone cleared their throat.

"Yoongi-ah you should be out there with them eating"

"Uhm this isn't Yoongi" you looked up to see who it was.

"This isn't hyung" he gave you his famous bunny smile but the shy one.

You have him back a smile.

"Aren't you supposed to be having fun with them?" He was flustered.

He took sometime before answering. You could see that he was shy but you didn't question him any further thinking if you try to conversate with him he'll become a tomato.

"I'm sorry I'll get back" he quickly left.

You chuckled and continued eating the dessert. Taking some more of the banana bread out you saw that the kid sat on one of the stools and stared at what you were doing.

'She's obsessed with me' you thought.

"You finish eating?" You asked her.

"No" she placed her head on the counter and sighed.

You didn't want to ask but you did anyway.

"Why you sighing like that?"

"I miss my eomma" her doe eyes were set on me.

'Well my mom is out there haha biggest flex rn'

"What happened?" You screamed internally.

"She said that she had work but she's out with her friends"

You wanted to hear more drama but you didn't ask anymore so you gave her some of your ice cream.

"Thank you" she smiled.

You hummed as finished beside her in silence.

After eating you washed out the dish and went back into your room. Your parents were going back the next day and with the help of Mr Min, you will be keeping their company along with his wife. This info wasn't new because they told you and you were fine with it because they wanted you to relax.

Dinner was over when Yoongi came into your room.

"Y/n-ah I'll be going now see you in two days" you rolled off your bed and have him a hug.

"I think that child is obsessed with me" you mumbled.

He laughed.

"That's how she is I gotta go" he let go of you and you did the same.

"Later min" he nodded and close the on his way out.

Then you were knocked out.

I mean you fell asleep a couple of minutes after.

Anyways I'm sure most of you saw the post that I posted earlier today.

How was this?


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