Chapter 7

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I woke up to my phone ringing in my ears. I took it off my nightstand and answer it.

"Y/n sir just called and looks like someone sued us," Lilian said.

"What? I'm so early to deal with this shit I'll be there soon" I ended the call groaning throwing myself back into my pillow kicking my feet.

What can I do around here to get some sleep?

When I checked the time it was 5:25 a.m who has time to sue a company this early? Looks like people have nothing to do these days gosh. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom.

Didn't my start out great!?

Taehyung's P.O.V

Mia clinging on to me for the entire morning. If I went to the bathroom she was outside waiting for me but she's always zoned out as if something bothers her. I saw now and again that she would go sit by Yoongi hyung and get right back into my lap.

Out of now where Yoongi hyung got up and went into his outside. It wasn't a big thing for him to walk out that fast he passed us and went straight into his room after a few he came out dressed up.

"I'm going out I'll be back soon," He said rushing out the door.

Hobi hyung looked at the door weirdly before he continued to look at his phone. Mia on the other hand looked sadder than before. What could have caused this?

Y/n P.O.V

Yea, a family sued us because the pictures weren't what they asked for. Yoongi came to court with us as a witness cause he was there when we took the pictures last week.

"I'm suing them for not meeting up with our standard and the pictures came ruined!" the Karen spoke.

The judge looked over at us.

"Your honour the husband told my clients what he wanted and they all agreed with it my clients asked if they were sure they want it and they said yes" The judge nodded.

"We also had a video to show the conversation between clients and the accuser" They watched the video and the judge looked over at my accuser.

"What else do you have to say?" They were speechless.

"Your honour my clients wants to sue  for wasting their time with this unnecessary complaint"

After a bit more court time we ended up getting 5000,000 ₩ thankfully. They let me have 2 days off after beginning in that room with those kinds of people. As Yoongi and I entered the car we saw dispatch secretly coming for us. Before they could take any pictures I drove off.

"What we gonna do now?" He asked getting comfortable.

"Spend the day with you back at the hotel?" He nodded.

"First I gotta pick up my snacks and get some clothes," I told him.

We drove to Costco picking up all sorts of snacks I like plus they had some matching PJs on sale. I knew once I saw these my apartment wasn't going to see me. Thank goodness I always have my toiletries in my car cause yah never might know. I also bought some foil baking tin and a couple of cake mixes along with icing and food colouring.

Yoongi bought steak and told me.

"You'll be the one cooking these because you know how to cook it better than anyone I know"

Jin knows how to cook he probably cooks better than I do. We bought chicken wings and 2 whole chickens we just spending money ok. We paid for the items and left the store. As we drove off we saw some elders selling fruits so we bought like 3 to 4 bags of different fruits. Then we head straight to the hotel.

Just wait a bit longer. Srry this chapter is short but I haven't updated in so long and I wanted to give you guys at least a thing to read so here it is. Srry again.

Luv T❤

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