Chapter 5

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I looked at her and she looked back at me going back to sleep. Ain't no way they dropped her here without telling me. Yes, I did gave Yoongi a key and told him that whenever he felt overwhelm with work my door is always open and even if he came here he would of texted me.

I took my phone and texted Yoongi.


Aye did you come over?

No I didn't is something wrong?

Yeah your niece is here in my room fcking sleeping
Seen 9:57 p.m

Ok that's weird. I placed my phone back down returning back to sleep. I ignored the ringing on my phone. After 10 minutes I couldn't sleep so I checked my phone seeing a message from Yoongi.


Let her stay they're over here she'll be staying until I come get her.

Son of a bitch.

Who told him that I was gonna babysit a kid Ion even know about. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a warm shower. I got out and dried off my body I moisturized and put on my clothes as soon as I walked out the toddler that was in my bed was nowhere to be seen. Of course being a normal person I freaked out.

Ion even know her name for shits sake!

I quickly went into the living room seeing her on the couch laying down. For a quick second I found her adorable.


When she saw me she gave me a lazy smile before laying back down. I wondered if she was ok and just tired from God knows what so I let her stay. I went into the kitchen to feed my stomach that was eating itself. Looking in the cabinet saw a couple snack put I didn't feel for any so when into the freezer seeing so frozen seasoned chicken wing, nuggets, shrimp, and seasoned fries. I took out the nuggets along with the fries.

Plugging in my air fryer I put the fries in set the timer and close it to let it cook. For the nuggets grab a pot put it over the stove that I just turned on. After preparing my food I shared a small amount for her along with some passftuit juice. As I turned around placing the food on the island I saw her head peeking out looking at me.

"Here's some food" I showed her the plate and sat down.

As I began eating she quickly came over and tired to climb up the stool. I picked her up allowing her to eat. We ate in complete silence I didn't dear to speak cause I love it. She then turned to me.

"You want something?" She shook her head.

"I'm Mia" she said.

I nodded.

"The names Y/n which you know already" I said.

After eating I did the dishes and went back into my room to brush my teeth.

"Y/n?" I heard her calling me out softly.

"Yea?" She came in with her bag.

"You didn't shower?" She shook her head.

Mama KTH AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now