Chapter 9

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   Chapter 9ღஐ✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿ஐღ

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   Chapter 9

  So far having a job was way out of the question for me. Having Finn's baby was taking a toll on my body already. I was having massive morning sickness right now.

I could hardly find food that would agree with the baby. All my normal favorite foods were grossing the baby out. I was pretty miserable.

  My cousins were flying in for the wedding, My mother's older brother was flying in from New Jersey.

He was from my grandfather's first marriage. I guess you would say Uncle Hank is my mother's half-brother. Hank is married to Noreen. And they have a daughter Riley whom is around my age. One year younger I think.

• ❤︎ •

  "I need to use the bathroom Sydney! They will be here any moment and you are still hogging the bathroom!" mother complains at me as she pounds on the door.

She sure was not helping matters. I throw up again holding my hair back out of my face.

  "Sydney? What is going on in there? Are you sick?" mother worries over me.

She opens the bathroom door invading my privacy now. I groan. I finish up then flush the toilet. I wash my hands and face as she comes over to me staring at me. She feels my forehead.

  "You are clammy. But no fever. You are as white as a ghost....Sydney are you having a baby?" mother demands to know. How do mothers do that? Seriously??

  "Yes, mother. I am having a baby" I manage to say before she engulfs me in a hug.

  "Oh this is SO great! I always wanted to be a grandmother" she laughs happily as she hugs me.

  "What is going on in here?" gram wants to know.

  "Sydney and Finn are having a baby!" mother exclaims joyfully.

  "I thought we agreed to wait to tell them!" Finn groans as he comes by the door before heading off to work.

  "Mother guessed it. I did not tell her a thing" I promise Finn.

  "So she does not know that the baby has a chance at being merfolk?" gram asks me.

I groan. Mother's eyes grow wide with surprise.

• ❤︎ •

  "What!?" mother gasps.

  "Mother the baby is Finn's baby to. The baby is a part of him and a part of me. So there is a chance the baby could be a merman or a mermaid" I explain to her.

  "Oh no, but Finn is human right now" protests mother.

  "That will not mean the baby will not be a merfolk honey" gram warns.

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