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August 14th, 2018
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"I'm so sick of your shit. I'm done it's over" Samaria spat at her boyfriend; soon to be ex.

She'd been going through the same problems with him for years and she finally decided to stand up for herself after being publicly embarrassed once again.

"We done when I say we done" he let out an evil chuckle getting up from his seat and grabbing Samaria by the neck, pinning her against the wall.

"LET . ME . GO!" She said in between hits trying to catch her breath.

"Say it, tell me you'll never leave me."

"Let me down..." she said breathlessly.

"SAY IT" he gritted pushing his full weight against her.

"I .. can't breathe..." she said her voice barely above a whisper.

"Okay.. I won't I won't I swear, please just let me go" she said defeated.

Samaria and her boyfriend had always had problems but he'd never put his hands on her, he'd constantly make threats putting no action behind them which raised red flags from her friends and family but she always shrugged it off constantly defending him.

"He'd never do that to me."

"He's just going through some things, we shouldn't judge him."

" He loves me."

Finally he let her down. She fell to the floor gasping for her breath.

" Bab- no.. don't touch me please get away" she cried out as he tried to console her.

"Look I'm sorry.. I'll be back. Ima make it up to you just watch"

She got up going into their bedroom, making her way to the closet hearing the front door slam.

Although Samaria loved her boyfriend dearly her mother always taught her throughout her childhood that abuse is something she should never stand for. She'd constantly been being abused by him throughout her relationship mentally but of course being blinded by love she shrugged it off, but this, this was enough to open her eyes fully.

When she got with him he immediately broke her independence down, before meeting Jason she had her own clothing line and she was getting into music.

While being in a relationship with him her mother died, her dad was absent constantly running the streets.

She made various attempts to get back into rapping to occupy her constantly roaming mind after her mothers passing but Jason made it almost impossible for her. He was so needy and always reminded her that without him she'd have nothing and she would've went through her grieving alone if it wasn't for him.

He made her feel like she owed him something and constantly being told this eventually made her believe it.

Samaria was in the middle of packing up her stuff when she heard a knock at the door.

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