10. Mother...

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——- Killua's POV ——-

What the Hell?

The chances are that housekeeper, (y/n)'s brother are the same person. And he is the person who died mysteriously. This lead that, he must have something to do with Father, that's why Father kept his room locked up!

The only question is WHY. Why does he have to lock the room.

"Killua, honey", A disgusting and fake-generous call shocked me, damn it, that must be Mother. I hate her more than Father!

"I have a very important task for you," she suddenly appeared behind me. Sometimes, I doubt if her eyes are still working or not. "Mommy have a very important task for you,". Blurg. Her sweet voice was too disgusting.

"Coming, Mother," I answered her back, "Just let me put my bag away.". Even though I tried, I could never disobey her bidding.

When I stepped into Mother's room, yep, that's right, my Mother and my Father don't share a room. I heard from Illumi that they don't really love each other, their love was only arranged so that my Mother's live could be spared.

I just simply can't stand the smell of her room, the perfume though, were horrible. Mother started to turn around and face me, "Killua, I need you to do me a deed," she stated.

"Whatever, Mother," I sighed, " You know that I won't even budge,".

"But, darling, I can give you a deal," she said, sweeten her voice, " If you poison or in anyway, kill Misa Yukimura..." she smirk in a killer manner.

Did she just said Misa Yukimura? My eye widen and deepened, my heart beat faster...

"Yes, honey, I bet you already known about The Prey," my Mother smirked, "You think that we are stupid? Father and I have been watching you since the housekeeper ever talked to you. And that girl..."

What the freaking sneaking hell is going on here!

"Why are you shivering, honey?", she started to walk toward me and tipped my head over, "Oh, is that about that girl, is her name (y/n)? She is cute alright." But then, right after she finished her sentence, her teeth gritted together. And something tells me that she is changing.

"Listen here you little brat," my mom hold my neck, but could not choke, "I have been so sweet and pleasing, I have given you anything. That time, I have never ever scolded you or get angry at you because I didn't have a 'hostage' to force you," she viciously fiddling with her fingers, "But now,... I have the last generation of the Yukimura to become my hostages, what do you say, my boy?"

I smirked. Mother can never ever deal anything, anything that she just said will only backfired.

"Oh really?" I challenged her, "I thought that Father never wanted to say anything about The Prey, that's why he never lets me join your conversation!"

Mother immediately covered her mouth, she knew that she was speaking too much.

"Hoo boy," I, being very demanding, "If Father knew about this, I don't know if you could walk after his beating up, he will whip you for telling me the secret that was supposed to be, well, secret."

Mother fell on her knees, she crawl toward me and begged, "Please, forget whatever I just said, I never ever want to be under his hand again, he was ruthless, please, don't," she pleased, with tears on her eyes. But that don't really make me feel pity for her.

"Just never ever mentioned the Yukimura, ever again, and..." I paused, "You leave them alone."

I walked out of the room, left my Mother there, still on the floor.

————————————- Third Person's POV ——————————-

Kikyo stood up, she smirked at Killua, who was just closing the door.

From behind of the curtain, there stood a silver-haired man, he looked just like Killua, only ruthless and unforgiving, that was Silvya.

"So Killua really have interest in (y/n) Yukimura?" Silvya, facing the other side, asked.

"Through his reaction, then yes," Kikyo murmured, "This seems serious, if he continued to investigate, he may ended up suffering!"

"Let him be..." Silvya answered, "For there are the cost in every thing he do!"


"Let It be!" Silvya gave Kikyo a silent look and warn her to back off.

"He will Suffer, soon enough."


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P.S Does anyone here like My Little Pony? If you do, then which character do you like the most?



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