Chapter 1- Baby Madi

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Chapter One


I let out a loud sigh as a plopped onto the sofa, putting my feet up.

Zayn had taken Madison to the park so I managed to get some cleaning done and I decided to now take a break.

I shut my eyes to have a quick nap when I hear the front door slam.

"Honey! I'm home." I hear Zayn yell.

"Mummy! I'm home." Madison also yells, copying Zayn.

I groan and sat up as they enter the room. There goes my rest.

Madison walks over and sits on my lap as Zayn kisses my head.

"How was the park sweetie?" I ask Madison.

"Fun." she grins, bouncing on my lap.

"Why did you bring her back so early?" I look at Zayn, slightly annoyed that I didn't get to rest.

"She was hungry." Zayn shrugs.

"And you couldn't buy her food?" I raise a brow.

"No because we were being swarmed by fans." Zayn crosses his arms. This isn't his fault. I'm just being cranky.

"Fine." I sigh lifting Madison up. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

"It's alright. Why don't you go to bed and I'll find something for Maddie to eat?" Zayn suggests looking at me worriedly.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yes. Now go rest. You've been working all week." Zayn tells me.

I place Madison back on the sofa. I hug Zayn and peck his lips.

"Thanks Zaynie." I smile at him.

"Its alright, love." He smiles at me. I let go of him and go upstairs to our bedroom.

I still dance at times but when I wasn't dancing I worked for a magazine company. I mainly organised interviews, photo shoots and press conferences.

I lay on the bed as I remember the first time I started back at work and left Madison and Zayn home alone.


Zayn had called me to come home from work urgently. So I panicked and rushed home as fast as I could.

I opened the front door and heard the sound of Madison's cries.

I walked to the living room where Zayn was holding a 6 month old Madison. The whole room was covered with unused nappies, toys and baby food.

Zayn paced the living room trying to get Madison to stop crying.

"Shh. Don't cry Maddie. Please stop." He sung rocking her gently. But she was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Zayn looked relieved when he saw me.

"Please, take her. I don't know what to do. She won't stop crying. I tried feeding her, playing with her, changing her. She won't stop." Zayn sounded like he himself was about to cry. He looked so tired and his hair was a mess.

I took Madison from his arms and bounced her gently.

"Shh. What's wrong baby?" I rubbed her back as the crying ceased until she was just sniffing softly. I picked up a baby wipe and wiped her face gently.

"Why are you crying? Mm?" I said softly. She just looked at me tiredly. "You tired baby?"

"Aw, Maddie's tired. Its okay. Lets go to sleep." I cooed. She blinked at me as if saying yes.

I took her upstairs to the nursery and played her in her cot. She gurgled a bit before closing her eyes. I watched over her as she slept. I smiled and left the room, shutting the door quietly.

I took off my jacket and shoes and placed it in the bedroom before heading down stairs. Zayn was tidying up the living room. I helped him. We picked up the mess in silence.

"How do you do it?" Zayn asked. I turned around to face him.

"I didn't even know she was tired. I can't take care of her myself. I'm hopeless. I can't do it." Zayn dropped everything and sat down on the sofa burying his face in his hands.

"I'm a shit dad, Lex. I can't do anything. What kind of father am I? " His voice cracked. I sat beside him and rubbed his back.

"Zayn. Don't beat yourself up over this. You know how to take care of Madison. Its hard, I know. Its not easy being a parent. You just gotta try. But Maddie looks at you the same way I do. She loves you ." I reassured him.

He looked up at me with tears on his cheeks. I wiped them.

"But seriously. You don't think I'm a bad father?" He asked me.

"Definietly not. Don't you ever say that again. You're the most Amazing father a girl could have." I told him.

He stood up and pulled me in a hug.

"Thank You Lexa. I love you so much." He hugged me tightly.

"I love you too Zaynie." I smiled.

Madison started to cry from her room. I pulled away but Zayn stopped me.

"Its okay. I got her." He smiled at me, leaving me to tidy the rest of the room.

That was the last thing on my mind before I fell into a deep sleep.

Zayn and Lux --> >

Gotta Get out - 5SOS > > >

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