Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Liam had enough of my moping at home so literally forced me to come out for lunch with everyone else.

"You know, I have to tidy the house." I lied.

"Shut up mate. You're just gonna sit there and watch T.V all day." Liam rolled his eyes, pushing me inside he cafe.

He could at least have let me bring a jacket. It was bloody freezing outside.

I groaned as he pulled me to the already filled table.

"Hey Zayn." Danielle smiled.

"How you doing?" Niall asked me.

"Fine." I answered, sitting down.

"We've already ordered for you guys." Chloe told Liam and I.

"That's cool." I shrugged.

I drummed my fingers against the table as I waited for the waiter/ waitress with our food.

I could feel Aria's stare burning into me. I looked at her and raised a brow. She rolled her eyes and looked away.

I wonder what was stuck up her ass.

I looked around the cafe and caught sight of myself on a long mirror.

I decided to shave today but I still hadn't got my hair cut yet.

"Zayn, Tell him Katy Perry is better than Rihanna." Niall nudged me.

"Hell no. Bad Girl RiRi is smoking hot." Harry shook his head.

"I'm gonna go with Rihanna." I told Niall.

"What? Man, you always agree with him." Niall pouted.

"Build a bridge and get over it." Louis hit him from across the table. I rolled my eyes, I turned away from the boys' bickering.

"Any news on Alex?" Danielle asked me over the noise the boys were making.

"Nothing at all." I shook my head, looking down at my hands.

"It's your fault she's there." Aria muttered under her breath.

"What?" I looked up at her.

"You heard me. If you hadn't have been such a dick then she wouldn't be in this position. She was freaking pregnant and you treated her like shit, Zayn! If anything happens to her it's your fault! Stop trying to blame the doctors for not being able to do anything. That's my best friend in there! I told her multiple times that she shouldn't trust you!" Aria yelled at me, silencing the table.

I shook my head and laughed bitterly.

"You don't think I know it's my fault? I know I'm not good enough for her or Madison. I tell myself everyday that I don't deserve her and if anything happens to her I will never ever forgive myself. She's my whole life and I've messed it all up. But I don't need someone like you telling me what I've done wrong. I never asked for your opinion so shut the fuck up!" I screamed angrily. "I hope you got that through your thick head."

The whole place was silent and Aria was staring at me wide-eyed.

"Fuck this." I mumbled, standing up and walking out of the cafe. I cracked my knuckles to stop me from punching something.

I looked around and realised that I had came with Liam so I didn't bring my car or my jacket. Great!

I kicked the snow, starting to get frustrated.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time before deciding I would go pick Madison up.


"Baby, you've got your shoes the wrong way round." I laughed at Madison before bending down to help her.

"Oopsies," she giggled.

I went to her school to pick her up, getting looked down on by obnoxious posh ladies because of my tattoos.

Alex decided to sign Madison up to the safest, most prestigious nursery in the area, which also happened to have a lot of posh kids with posh, judgemental parents.

Today, I wasn't in the mood for these uptight people.

"There you go." I said, helping Madison stand up. I zipped up her jacket and put her scarf on.

"Where are your gloves?" I asked her.

"Gloves. Gloves." She looked around. "I don't know."

"It's okay. You've got some spares at home. You ready to go?" I asked her.

"Yah." She said lifting her hands up. I picked her up.

"Bye Danny!" She waved behind me.

"Bye-bye." Danny piped up from behind me.

"Daddy forgot the car so we're gonna walk home." I told her.

"Okay." She said holding me tighter, refusing to set her feet of the ground.

"Not gonna walk?" I asked her.

"Nu uh. Snow is cold." She told me.

"I know. Let's get home quick, yeah?" I squeezed her.

"Run Daddy!!" She laughed as I tried my best to run through the snow without slipping.


"One warm milk for the princess." I said, handing her cup.

"Princess M&M." She corrected me. Referring to the nickname Niall gave her from her initials.

"Sorry Princess M&M." I chuckled as my phone rang.

I picked it up from the counter.

Harry calling.

I put it back down. The boys had been trying to call me all afternoon but I had been avoiding their calls, not in the mood to talk.

"Are you sad, daddy?" Madison asked me, swinging her legs.

"No, daddy's just tired." I leaned against the counter.

"It's okay. You can sleep beside me." Madison smiled at me.

She was the only person I could never be mad at. She could cheer me up in seconds.

I watched her as she hummed to herself, taking a bite of her banana and sipping her milk.

My phone rang beside me. I looked at it. Paul. I sighed before answering.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey lad. What've you been doing? The boys have been trying to call you." he told me.

"I'm busy." I lied.

"Alright. Just a heads up on your concert tomorrow." he told me.

"What concert? What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Tomorrow. O2 arena." Paul stated.

"Oh God. I completely forgot. What time am I supposed to be there at?" I asked Paul.

"3 for rehearsals. Don't be late." he told me.

"Okay. Thanks." I said before hanging up.

I let out a breath before turning to Madison.

"You wanna go to the concert tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Yeah." she nodded, fixated on her banana.

"That's good." I smiled.

"After we can go see Mummy." I told her.

"Okay." she finished the rest of her milk before letting out a huge burp.

"Oops." she giggled.

"Pardon you." I laughed, wiping away her milk moustache.

Zayn. > > > >

He is too beautiful. You have to admit ;)

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