Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"No no no." Madsion shook her head, pulling her shoes off.

"Does it hurt?" I asked her.

"Uh huh." She nodded.

We were currently sitting on Madison's room floor trying on shoes but apparently they were all too small.

She only had a couple that she insisted on keeping.

"New shoes." She pouted, walking over to me and sitting on my lap. She had me wrapped round her little finger.

I looked at my watch. I had some time before I had to get to the Arena.

"Fine, We'll go buy new shoes, you little diva." I sighed.

She giggled and hugged me. I picked up her TOMs, one of the few shoes she wanted to keep, and slid them on her feet before putting her jacket on.

"Okay. Let's go!" I said carrying her down the stairs then putting her down to put my jacket on.

"What shoes do you want?" I asked her.

"Those ones!" She pointed to the black Air Max I was currently wearing.

"Okay, what colour?" I said, opening the door.

"Pink like Mummy's." She said excitedly, rushing to the car. I smiled, following her.

It had rained pretty heavily the night before washing away most of the snow.

"We'll have to be quick. I have to go sing tonight." I told her, puting her in her car seat.

"Mee too" She smiled at me.

"You're singing too?" I asked her, sitting in the drivers seat.

"Yup." She nodded, kicking her feet.

"What songs?" I glanced back.

"Twinkle twinkle and incy wincy Spider." She stated proudly. I laughed shaking my head as she began to sing.


"£99.98 please." The boy at the cashier said. I handed him the money and he gave me my change and the bags, containing the shoes boxes.

I struggled to put the bags in one hand before lifting Madison up.

"I can't believe I just bought you 6 pairs of shoes, Madison." I said, looking at her. She giggled.

I was such a push over, buying her any shoe she wanted. But I couldn't help it. She looked so cute in all of them.

"We need to get you new gloves." I told her as we walked around the Mall. The gloves she had currently, had a huge hole in the centre. I had no idea what she did to them.

After putting the bags in the car, we headed to the McDonalds inside the shopping centre.

"Daddy?" Madison patted my shoulder.

"Yes Maddie?" I looked at her.

"Can I have Cake for burfday?" She asked me.

"Your birthday?" I asked her. She nodded.

"What kind of cake do you want?" I asked.

"Mickey." She answered.

"Okay. I'll get you a big Mickey Mouse cake." I told her. She smiled brightly.

After buying something for Madison, I found a table for us to sit at. Luckily I had decided to go shopping on a Friday so I was only stopped by a few fans as most of them were still in school.

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