Chapter 055 - 056

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

Physical Exorcism

The final version of the **** APP has added a lot of new features, such as Feng Shui monitoring.

While monitoring the feng shui in the house, it can also give users reasonable renovation suggestions to adjust the feng shui in the house.

Of course, this feng shui function is very simple, and at most it can only make ordinary people's homes more comfortable, such as being warm in winter and cool in summer.

If you want to set up a more complicated Fengshui Bureau, you still have to find a serious master of metaphysics.

Including the talisman, there are only three types of talismans in the final version of the APP: amulet, talisman, and shattering talisman.

For a higher-level spell, you still have to ask the Taoists for it.

Although he was a little unaccustomed to the appearance of those masters of metaphysics being aloof in this world, Lin Xiaotang never thought of exterminating them all.

This design will prevent them from losing all their financial resources.

In the lower left corner of the APP, there is also a quick alarm function.

This function can help users, so that when they encounter danger, they can contact the nearby public security bureau as soon as possible, and dispatch special police to come and solve the ghost.

These special police officers were secretly cultivated by the state two months ago.

Because there are not many supernatural cases, so their number is not large.

After taking office, as ordinary people, they will download a more comprehensive official internal version of the **** APP on their mobile phones, which has everything in it, and the feng shui monitoring function is also more sophisticated, allowing them to easily deal with various dangerous situations.

From then on, the safety of more than one billion people across the country will be guaranteed.

However, because of the national conditions, the country has been vigorously advocating scientific civilization and resolutely resisting feudal superstition.

Taking this into consideration, the state, with the permission of Lin Xiaotang, did not directly announce the fact that there are ghosts in this world, but changed the name of the ghost app to "radiation scanner".

At the same time, the propaganda slogan about the APP is also quite positive-

"Life is only once, and safety is with you for a lifetime. Download the radiation scanner to keep our lives away from new types of harmful radiation."

Netizens: "..."

Although, why does this app called "Radiation Scanner" have the word "Damn" on the icon? !

I don't know why, the official people changed the name of the APP, but the icon of the APP has not changed at all.

This small error, coupled with the overwhelming official propaganda, made this APP completely popular on the Internet.

Countless netizens flocked to download the so-called "radiation scanner" APP into their mobile phones.

After they downloaded it and clicked in to watch it, they were immediately shocked by the simple and rude functions in the APP.

【Why is there a dialogue function? Could it be that the government and producers think we can talk to Fallout? ? ? 】

【What does the spell function mean? It turns out that the old Taoist priest who sold the "computer radiation protection charm" at our street was not a liar? (Pupil Earthquake)】

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