Chapter 062 - 064

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

True And False Daughter


After hearing Lin Xiaotang's words, everyone was stunned.

This group of bandits never imagined that they would kick the iron plate today.

Where is this gentle and gentle little lady, this is clearly a big robber who is more murderous than them!

In the face of Lin Xiaotang's request, some people were moved, and some people were not very happy.

But Lin Xiaotang didn't care about their thoughts at all.

Anyway, they couldn't beat her.

In this kind of place, isn't it just whoever has the bigger fist, listens to whoever?

So, under the coercion of her force, these bandits had no choice but to agree to her request and take them to their stockade.

On the bright side, it's not bad that the woman promised to raise them.

Under the guidance of these people, Lin Xiaotang quickly came to the mountain and saw their so-called stockade.

She glanced at it and saw that there were only a few relatively simple houses, most of which were thatched cottages, and a few were made of stones.

A little further away, there are two caves.

Some elderly women, holding farm implements, are working in a small field that has been opened up.

Before, after seeing these bandits, Lin Xiaotang still disliked them for being weak.

But when she went up the mountain, she realized that they were already the strongest people in this stockade.

Ragged old women, gray men, skinny children...

Rather than saying that they are mountain bandits, it is better to say that they are refugees.

"Ahu, who are these people?"

While Lin Xiaotang was observing here, an elegant scholar came over and asked in confusion.

"Mr. Li, this is Miss Lin, the future owner of the stockade."

The young man named "Ahu" recounted the general process of the matter.

When A Hu said that Lin Xiaotang was going to occupy the stockade to raise these people, Mr. Li showed a suspicious look: "Isn't this really a joke? You haven't been cheated of money, have you?"

Lin Xiaotang: "..."

It doesn't have to be so straightforward.

But when he confirmed again and again that Lin Xiaotang was not lying, but seriously wanted to be a bandit leader, Mr. Li finally let go of his vigilance.

However, although he didn't say anything, his gaze towards Lin Xiaotang became rather strange.

In more detail, it's like looking at someone who is stupid and has a lot of money.

Lin Xiaotang: "..."

However, although Mr. Li has a strange attitude, he is quite useful in introducing the situation of Hulu Mountain.

Through Mr. Li, Lin Xiaotang quickly knew how this group of "bandits" appeared.

They were originally villagers in a village at the foot of Hulu Mountain, but the local government and miscellaneous taxes were harsh, and they happened to encounter drought and failed to harvest anything.

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