Chapter 094 - 096

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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

End Times

"What's the matter, didn't we agree to leave the things to me? Why did you sell the things!?"

At Qi's house, Qi Yunyan's face was gloomy, and he asked sharply at the phone.

She didn't expect it at all, it had only been an hour, and the batch of goods she had ordered before was taken by others!

"You also know that the wind has been tight recently, and the goods can't stay in our hands for too long," Facing her question, the other party said calmly, "Since you chose to break the contract, then we naturally don't need to help you. consider."

"Besides, you didn't inform us that you were going to leave the goods to you, did you?"


Hearing what the other party said, a nameless fire rose in Qi Yunyan's heart in vain.

She wanted to continue questioning, but before she could speak, the other party hung up the phone neatly.


Hearing the blind tone coming from the microphone, Qi Yunyan squeezed the phone tightly, took a few deep breaths, and then reluctantly came back.

Since her rebirth, her life has been so smooth that she almost forgot what it's like to be disobeyed.

"Yanyan, how's it going? Have you got the thing?"

Realizing that Qi Yunyan's reaction was wrong, her parents asked worriedly.

Qi Yunyan pursed his lips and said coldly, "I was robbed."

"It was robbed? Isn't it gone?"

Hearing this, Qi's father and Qi's mother's expressions changed.

Since Qi Yunyan's "prophecy" has been accurate several times, since they have seen Qi Yunyan's "space ability", they have all believed in Qi Yunyan's "eschatology" and have been preparing for hoarding supplies.

To this end, they did not hesitate to sell most of their family property, and handed over all the funds to Qi Yunyan and let her handle it herself.

As a result, who would have thought that all the other things were bought, but the most important weapon was not available?

Compared with Qi's father and Qi's mother, Qi Yunyan, who has personally experienced the end of the world, is in a worse mood.

How terrifying zombies are and how weak ordinary people are, no one knows better than her.

She even wondered if someone deliberately robbed her. After all, the timing was too accurate, too coincidental.

But no one except her parents knew about buying things on the black market. After thinking about it, she could only blame her bad luck.

Recalling the dark, bloody, and **** scenes in the previous life, Qi Yunyan felt a little more resentment towards Lin Xiaotang in addition to her anger.

If it weren't for Lin Xiaotang's astronomical price of two million, or because she couldn't guarantee that she could borrow two million in a few hours, she wouldn't need to push this batch of goods away at all!

In the future, if she has the chance to meet Lin Xiaotang, she must make her pay the price!


Here, the Qi family has just fallen into silence for a while.

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