Chapter 2 - The drunk friend

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'Rui, let's go home- RUI!!!!!!!!', I screamed 'Rui, how maybe more shots did you take while we were in the restroom? You look so drunk!', Saki asked in a worried voice, Rui replied,'I don't know...maybe 4 more-' 'BRO YOU WERE ALREADY FEELING TIPSY WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GO FOR 4 MORE?!?!?!?!?!'

Saki's POV: 'They had 3 shots before my brother rushed to the restroom, then Rui told us he had 4 more shots while we were in the restroom, so that means Rui had 7 shots in total?!', I thought to myself.


'Oh Tsukasa-kun~ let me kiss your neck' 'BRO WTF-' But his lips were already on my neck.

However, I somehow enjoy the feeling and blushed. I mean I'm not gay but...the feeling of getting a kiss from a guy is somehow I find it more enjoyable than getting it from a girl. What if I was bisexual all along?

Shit! What am I thinking?! Snap out of it, Tsukasa! You're suppose to help get your drunk friend home, not just stand here and admire the feeling!

I snapped out and pushed Rui away. I carried him to the car in the front seat while my sister climbed in the passenger seat at the back. We left the bar earlier than we planned.

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