Chapter 8 - First kiss under the rain

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Shizuku's POV: I saw the two of them running outside without an umbrella while it's raining, I was worried that they will get wet, I ran outside with an umbrella I found in Tsukasa's bag and rushed out into the rain with Emu and Nene. I hope they're alright.

I ran into the rain, heartbroken, and tears running down my face. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?!?!?! I SHOULD NOT HAVE LISTENED TO THEM!!! I'M SO FUCKING STUPID!!!

(Rui, Tsukasa)

'Tsukasa-kun! Wait!'

'Rui?! What are you doing out here?!?! Weren't you about to confess to Shizuku?!?!'

'Confess to Shizuku? What are you talking about?'

'You were standing so close to Shizuku, before that happened she even called you over there! It's obvious of what will happen between you and her! So just admit it, you're in love with my childhood friend, right?!?!'

'I'm not in love with Shizuku. In fact...*inhales*...I'm in love with YOU!'

As soon as I heard 'I'm in love with you', I lifted up my head, and turned around with my body facing Rui.

'...You what?'

'Shizuku called me earlier because she was having some problem with her phone. I found something on her face, so I stood close to her trying to get it off. Who said I'm in love with her?'

'...So everything I just said about you and Shizuku were not true at all?'

Rui was walking closer to me by every step he takes. As he finally got closer to me, I got locked up into his embrace.

'You're so silly. Of course not everything is what you see. I'm actually gay, so I'm not into girls. I've actually started to fall in love with you since back during our second year in high school. I just...can't find the right time to say it because I don't want to ruin our friendship, but now I can finally say it. Tsukasa-kun, I love you.'

' matter of fact, I love you too-'

But my words were cut off as his lips and mine were already touched. Knowing that he likes me back now, I kissed him back. My tears of sadness are now tears of joy, I was feeling in a high state of euphoria at that moment. Is this what true love feels like? Even though it's cold standing under the rain for a period of time, I'm now immune to the coldness and all I can feel is warmth from Rui's embrace.

Shizuku's POV: Little do they know, Me, Emu and Nene were also there watching the whole thing, from the arguement to the kiss. Hair and clothes soaking wet while kissing under the rain, just like a scene you can find from a love movie. I will tell them that we also witnessed their first kiss, but maybe when the time it's right.

~The End~

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