The Tourmanent begins

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Yugi's House, 7:30 PM

Twilight, Yugi, Spike, and Mr. Muto were in living room. Spike was playing go fish with Mr. Muto while Yugi was watching Twilight a writing a letter.

"Twilight who are you writing that letter too?," Yugi asked.

Twlight replied, "I'm writing this to my friends back in Equestria to tell them how I'm doing. I don't want them to worry about me you know."

He nodded, and then Spike came over and told her she won the game. Twilight walked out of the room, and went outside. Yugi and Spike then followed her.

"Hey! Twilight! Wait up! Where are you going?," shouted Spike.

She stopped, and waited for the others to catch up. After a few minutes of walking they reached the destination the Domino High. She then threw the letter, and It flew into the invisible portal..

"Huh. Where did the letter go?," said Yugi.

She replied, "It went into the portal which leads to Equestria, and it seems only beings from there can see it. Wow! Looks like they replied."

Another letter came out, and Spike picked it up and started to read it.

"Dear my dearest Twilight, looks like your doing well in this new world. Luckily you've made some friends that will help you succeed in your task. We will be cheering you on even if we are in different worlds. Sincerely, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Rainbow Dash, Rairty, AppleJack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. PS here's the picture you asked for."

She grabbed the attached picture, and showed it to Yugi. She told them who each of the ponies were as they headed back to Yugi's place. When they returned gramps already had dinner ready. After eating a delicious cheese pizza which Twilight and Spiked really enjoyed, they decided to get some sleep so they could be fully rested for the tournament tomorrow. Before Yugi turned the lights off Twilight asked him something.

"Yugi. I'm really worried about those people who ambushed Joey last night. What if they try to come after us next. The idea of loosing this deck my friends worked so hard to get makes me even more worried."

He replied,"I kind of had the same feeling, but as long as we win they can't take our cards. My heart is in my deck, and I don't want to loose any of it especially my Dark Magician."

"Well all I know is that whoever is leader of those guys, he or she must be up to something. Another thing I'm worried about is Sunset Shimmer. You said she's a tough opponent when you told me about your duel with her in Duelist Kingdom. She must be entering the tournament because wants my crown."

"That reminds me what is she planning to do with the crown once she gets her hands on it?"That reminds me what is she planning to do with the crown once she gets her hands on it?"

"I don't really know the answer. Whenever I have used the Element of Magic it was against something that was threatening Equestria. I don't really know what would happen if someone else besides me puts it on. Celestia has never told me so I guess it's never happened before."

"Well, then we will have to make sure she does not get her hands on it. Everything is going to be just fine. Alright its time for me to get some sleep. Good night Twilight and Spike."

Yugi then turned the lights off. Twilight kept tossing over the couch trying to get comfortable. When she got in the perfect spot she fell strait asleep.


Yugi's House,morning


Mr. Mutu was outside sweeping the shop.

Twilight Sparkel's Adventure in Battle City ( Yugioh Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now