Twilight vs Sunset

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Big time skip( Marik is now good, they discover that Yami is the Element of Honesty and Twilight is with Sunset now in the finals)

Twilight,the gang, Seto, Mokuba,Sunset are now going to the Domino Highschool because Sunset sad that there was the perfect place for a duel. On the school grounds Twilight and Sunset got ready for the duel. The gang wish Twilight good luck, and the duel beginns.

Timeskip ( we're now at the end of the duel)
Twilight is on the loosing street she has only 100 life points left," Activet your last card so i can end this and win the crown and get the power thats hold in." Sunset yelld. Heart of the cards guide me Twilight fought as she drew her card and then she smiled," this is the card that will end this duel!" Twilight sad," I activated the magic card Shining Friendship that gives me 400 life points extra and now i sommen Zecora in Atacke mode. Zecora atacke her life points and end this duel!" She yelld, Sunsets life points dropped to zero." The winner is Miss Twilight Sparkel!" Seto gives the crown to Twilight as Sunset yelld " Oh yes she is so very important!" Then she punched the crown out of Twilights hand and thrid to grab it but spike was fast and got crown before Sunset. He ran up to the doors put they were lookt," Spike,Spike!" Joey yelled, Spike throws the crown to Joey and he throws to Yugi. Yugi tried to throws it to Twillight but Sunset got it." More power i could  ever dream of!" she sad putting the crown on her head. A magical plast came out from the crown turnig her into a she-demon now nown as Sunset Satan. Sunset noticed Seto, Mokuba, Serenity and the securyty and transformt them into mindless Zombies." Your not going away with that!" Twilight yelld," why not i have magic and you don't." Sunset-Satan sad atacking with a magical plast. Yugi, Joey, tea and Tristan ran up to Twilight to protect her then somthing happend. A pink shild appeared in front of them. Twilight smiled happely," The magic in my Element was able to unite with those that help create it." A nother plast came from the crown and lift up the new main 6. Yami who was a Spirit has now a body,some pony ears and glowd in a Orange ton. " Honesty= Yami"
Yugi has now Wings and pony ears and glowd in a yellow ton. " kindnees= Yugi"
Tristen glowd in a light blue ton and had pony ears." Laughter= Tristan"
Tea had now pony ears and her hair has grown and she glowd in a white ton. Generosity= Tea"
Joey has just like yugi now pony ears and wings and glowd in a red ton." Loyalty=Joey"
Twilight has now just like tea pony ears, longer hair and just like Yugi and Joey wings." Magic= Twilight". " Together with the crown they created a power you cud never dreamd of. It is a power you cold never control. The crown may be upon your head Sunset shimmer but you cannot wield it cause you dont posses the must powerful magic of all. The magic of friendship." Twilight yelld as she grad the hands of Yugi and Joey, they grab the hands from the others and together they formd a heard with there hands. A magical plast came out of it transform Sunset-Satan back to sunset shimmer. Then the Zombies had back there minds. The magic transportet the gang to the ground were spike waited for them. There was a bick holl in the ground with Sunset in it crieing. Twilight sad " tonight you shown Everyone your real self." Sunset stard to say sorry. Twi just lookt at her, helpt her up and hugged her," I now that you don't now something about Friendship but i think they can teach you." Twilight sad pointing at her friends." I have one quistinen" Yami starded," why do i have my own body?"
" The element showd me. Everyone has there own body, even a 5000 year old Pharaoh."she anserd, Yami just plusht. Twilight gets her crown and spike sad " i thing its time to go." Twi noded " Even we have been friends for a short time, i'm gone miss you all so much." she sad before walking to the portal. After she walk in and the portel closed the pony things disappeared. Everybody was sadd that she was gone. The gang nows that they have now to watch over Sunstet and even bekom her new friends.

Thank you to reading this story in a few weeks there will be a new story calld Equestria friends Rainbow Rock ( a yugioh crossover) see you next time

Your Tilly012

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