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Eunwoo's POV

I arrived in front of the office and went straight to my room. I was about to storm in when one of my employees said, "Miss Han is having a meeting with a client in your room sir" that stopped me.


I just realized about it.

'What's on my mind that makes me rush all the way here without knowing anything? Why do I think and worry so much? Maybe everything is fine and nothing happens? I mean it wasn't like she told me something bad was going on and asked for my help, right?'

"Oh. Okay then, but why......" I was about to ask why doesn't anyone pick up the office phone when I remembered about the immediate reply from Eunseo and the call that was suddenly cut off. 'What if she is actually trying to tell me?'

"Uh, nevermind" I said to her.

I decided to knock the door *well in case everything is normal , and turned the doorknob but,

the door was locked.

'I knew it'

"CALL THE SECURITY AND DON'T LET ANYONE OUT OF MY ROOM !!" I shouted at the employee who seemed startled by my actions. I reached for the room key in my pocket.
Of course I have, this is my room though~
I opened the door only to find her already on the floor crying.
Meanwhile Mr Kim just straighten his coat.

Eunseo's POV

I heard someone knocking and trying to open the door. "Sh*t" is what came out of Mr Kim's mouth before he pushed me and I fell to the floor.

'Luckily we have carpet here, otherwise it definitely hurts more.'

Then the door opened showing a familiar figure.
As soon as he saw me on the floor he rushed towards me.
"Hey, why are you on the floor?, w-why are you crying? He ask concerned.

But still, I couldn't manage to answer him.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Can you stand up?"
I nodded. He helped me to my feet and checked if I got any bruise.

Eunwoo's POV

Gladly there are no any bruise or wound.

"Mr Cha you should teach your workers to be more polite and respect to the guests." I turned to the one who said that.

"Then why the door is locked Mr Kim?"  I looked at him sternly.

"The thing is, um, uh, your secretary locked the door and threatened me because Im not gonna agree with your ssstupid project, and she said if I want to go out then signed the contract!"

'How can he said Eunseo did all of that. Is she a mafia or what? At least, please think a little logically if you want to make up a story though!'
I looked at him in disbelieve.


"It obviously doesn't make any sense for someone like her to do such a thing Mr Kim."

I then looked to my side. I can tell that jerk must have scared her a lot, she still wouldn't let go of her tight grip on my sleeve. She released her grip as soon as she realized I saw it "Ohh I'm s-sorry"

I hold her shaky hand. It's cold. "I'm here. Everything will be okay, don't worry" I reassured her. "Now, can you tell me what has actually happened?" I asked carefully.

She take a deep breath before start with her head hung low.

"I-I was explaining about the project when you texted me about the delay flight. My bad, I put my phone on the table and he saw the message. Then I sent you a reply, that's when he suddenly l-locked the door and sat beside me, he put his hand on my t-thigh. Of course I was shocked by his action and I slapped him. I tried to make a call and gladly your number was on top. I was about to tell you but he snatched the phone from me and turned it off. Before I could approach the door, he h-hugged me from back and I don't k-know what to do. I couldn't do anything even a scream. He then started t-touching me inappropriately", she held my hand tighter as she told about it. "Not long after that, someone knocking the door, and he pushed me hard causing me to fall. That's w-why you saw me on the floor as soon as you opened the door."

My eyes widened when I heard all of it. I can feel like steam coming out of my ears.

This is

I can't stand this sh*t

sorry for the lil strong language, I tried not using it but it feels like incomplete hehh

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☆ This is Airis, have a nice day!😍

Mr Cha's Secretary (Completed) - Cha Eun Woo FanficWhere stories live. Discover now