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"What's true is like a sickle, it'll cut you to the middle,your rose is without a thorn...but no, my mouth don't taste of metal, from the pot here to the kettle, I think we got a lot we gotta learn"








System rebooted; restarting dialog.

George smiled happily, seeing as they fit you.

"I'm honestly surprised they fit me, they look massive-"

"Are you saying I have big feet?" George answered back sarcastically.

You put your hands up in defence; "Of course not! I- I'm just saying that these look like big shoes-"

"I know what you mean, don't worry"

George put his hand out to help you up, and you took in gingerly, feeling a bit more at ease with George than you were earlier. Yet, just like beforehand, the moment your hand was in his, his iron grip was back. Not crushing your hand yet still enough pressure from keeping you from slipping it out of his grasp. Oh well, George was probably just a touchy person. George subtly looked over your shoulder to the door you had entered to, and let go of your hand, surprising you.

He sat back down on the blue bed gesturing for you to sit next to him yet again. Once you did, he scooted slightly closer.

"Uhm...I'd just like to ask where you're from. Don't lie and say you're from around here because I can tell you're definitely not. Plus, you're a bit..." George made strange gestures with his hands before continuing "...Odd; you didn't seem to know of the empire, you didn't look like you've ever taken a health potion in your life and you were lying in the middle of a border wet, dehydrated and one of the first thing you asked me was 'where am I', so, care to explain?"

George hoped to dear god she wasn't from L'manburg, or any 'enemy' country. He didn't even want to think of the idea of her being a spy.

You opened your mouth before closing it, reminding yourself that even you had no clue where you were from. All you truly had was your name, age and random bit of knowledge of things you guessed you liked. You could even say you were from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. You were a ghost of what you originally were. Yet, you didn't know that. You only knew of the present, not the past let alone the future.


...What? Who said t-


Waking...? Wandering- no that wasn't it...walking! That was it!

"I- I was out on a walk...yeah...I'm guessing I got lost, hit my head or something and passed out" You said, cursing yourself for your stutter.

George's eyes, although you couldn't see them well, shifted up to your forehead, searching for any bruises or small cuts. Expectantly, he didn't find any. He narrowed his eyes, you seemed to become more suspicious by the second, watching how your eyes avoided his mistrustful ones, how you fidgeted with your pointer finger and the sleeves of your denim jacket. He truly didn't want to believe it, so, he tried ignoring the signs and just nodded along.

"Would make sense...oh- I forgot to ask- are you, by any chance, from one of the mountain villages?"

"Uhm, no...? Why?"

A Kindling, Of Sorts [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now