Author's note- fuck cancer.

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Technoblade will no longer be in my content. For those who don't know, Techno has passed from cancer. He was one of the first YouTubers' I started watching when I was young and one of the only YouTubers' I watched after my 'phase' had passed. With all that I've done, seen, thought about and haven't even done, Techno meant a lot to me. So, going onto Twitter first thing after I wake up (which is typically not a good thing to do but oh well) and seeing those tweets crushed me. So, I'm not gonna upload for a long time. I know an author's note in a fanfiction of all things doesn't do shit but, I adored Techno with all my heart, as did many. As pathetic as it sounds I don't have much more other than my friends, some of my family and Minecraft YouTubers. I don't have a right to cry but I am, I'm not a friend or family, but it hurts. I'm a scramble of shards and I think I just lost half of them. I'll be gone for a while, I hope you're all doing okay.

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