Chapter Two

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Katya stood underneath the underpass leading to the street where her house was, Waiting. She couldn't tell if the goosebumps and shivers were caused by the fact that the warm evening breeze had dropped and the cold was bombarding her bare shoulders or if she had been thinking about how the evening was going to go so much that she was now anxious that it wouldn't play out as perfect as she hoped. 

She didn't have very long to ponder on the idea when a familiar looking car pulled up alongside her and rolled down the window. 

" Don't you look like a dream." Ollie flashed a charming smile towards Katya as she half walked half jogged to the passenger side of the door and slithered in, attempting to look ladylike and not flash at the same time. She lent over to give him a quick kiss and she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. 

"How's the corporate world treating you?" Katya smiled. 

"Oh not bad, A few millionaire's here a few philanthropist's there. The usual."

"Same here, the only difference is that I had to serve the Idiots." They both laughed as Ollie sped off barely giving Katya time to click in her seatbelt. " you've been so secretive about everything that's going on, I have no idea where we are going."

One of the things that Katya had really liked about Ollie since they first started dating was the fact that he would always pick out these beautiful restaurants with tiny little portions and not so tiny, she could imagine, bills. Not that she ever paid. Ollie would lead her in and she would feel completely at ease for the few hours that they sat there pouring wine and laughing like every other rich person there who probably didn't have a care in the world.

As they pulled up to a car park Katya looked around confused. "is this where we're parking?" Katya asked.

Ollie laughed. "something like that."

They had pulled up to a dingy little car park with an apparent greasy spoons attached. It looked like a café that used to be down the road from where she grew up on a little council estate, where the food was always cheap, cheerfully and the people inside were bloody lovely but it definitely didn't seem like Ollie's vibe and they were both phenomenally overdressed. She stretched her legs out of the car and Ollie grabbed her hand to steady her up. 

"In here?" she asked. 

"Yup." They headed through the front door and took a seat in the American style booth, Katya wearing a floor length teal gown and Ollie a expensive looking suit. Katya, still confused sat down and took one of the menu's that Ollie handed to her. 

"I know it's slightly different to what you were expecting but I thought I'd mix things up a bit. Actually lets go completely crazy. You wait here I'll be back." Ollie swiped the menu out of her hand and headed over to the counter where he laid the menu flat by the till and pointed at something. 

"Two of these please and we'll have extra of all of the toppings." Ollie thumped back down at the table and apparently chose to ignore Katya's confused face as he started rambling about his day giving all of the highlights. She didn't mind that he could talk about himself for hours, in fact she kind of preferred it as opposed to having to go into detail about how much she hated her job, hated her living arrangements, didn't have an overly amazing relationship with her Dad and felt pretty unfulfilled at the ripe old age of 25. She preferred to pretend that his world was her world and that he was just an extension of her. 

Just as Ollie was reaching the dénouement on his most recent story about his boss who had just been fired for apparently skimming money off the top the largest ice-cream Sundays were plonked in front of the pair. The familiar smell of sweet bananas and rich toffee hit her nose and her mouth started to water instantly. 

"Is this what I think it is?" 

"I don't know, is it what you think it is?" Ollie grinned. 

Months ago Katya had told Ollie about an ice cream Sunday she had had as a pre teen in one of the rare times she had talked about her childhood. Her mum had taken her out on a rare weekend outing and she recalled it being as big as her head and more delicious than anything she had ever eaten in her life. 

Katya picked up a spoon almost as long as her forearm and straight away dug to the bottom to grab a bit of everything and felt the joy that her 11 year old self had experienced all of those years ago. She felt her eyes well up as glanced at Ollie and then straight away so he wouldn't realize she was blubbing at ice cream.

"What?" He asked.

"I think I love you." she smiled anxiously.

He paused for a moment then looked her square in the eyes. "I think I love you too."

The rest of the evening went in a blur as they shoved ice cream down their necks until they could barely walk out and laughed like small children having a sugar rush. When Katya finally got home she crawled into bed, not even bothering to take her dress off and opened up her texts to Lena "let's go out tomorrow, I have so much to tell you." She barely had time to click send before she felt her eyes drooping into a sugar fueled deep sleep.

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