Chapter Six

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The room was eerily quiet and Katya could hear her heartbeat in her ears, vibrating through her body. She walked purposefully in front of Ollie so that he wouldn't be able to see the slow, deep breathes she was having to take to stop her body from shivering and although Katya couldn't hear Ollie's following behind her she could feel his present, barely a meter away. He was quiet and swift like a shadow and she could sense his feet slipping into her footprints as she headed over to her bed and sat down with calm precision crossing her arms over her chest and looking next to Ollie not trusting herself to make eye contact.

"Do you have anything that you need to tell me?" Katya asked Ollie with a steely calmness.

"What the Fuck is going on Katya, we were fine the other night and then you just switch on me. Let's stop playing games now. I don't understand." Ollie sat on the bed next to her, his head cradled in his hands which were grasping his hair and neck in frustration.

" I saw you with her. I wanted to call you to tell you I wished you were with me, it was such a beautiful day I just wanted to spend it with you and it turned out you were there. You were right fucking there. Having a leisurely family stroll but not with me. I saw her Ollie, I saw her and I know. it's over." Katya had been looking down at her hands, furiously twisting a hairband she kept on her wrist as she poured her heart out, knowing that if she made eye contact that she would burst into tears. She slowly looked up wondering why Ollie hadn't replied but as she finally got the guts to look at him, she realized that his eyes were wide filled with terror and the colour had drained out of his face.

"It's not what it looks like." Ollie whispered.

"Then tell me what it is?" Katya said bluntly.

"Well I guess it kind of is but I didn't do anything to hurt you. I just didn't know how to tell you, I barely got my head around it myself."

Katya scoffed. "Didn't want to hurt me by having a secret knocked up girlfriend. Ollie. I'm not stupid, please don't treat me like I'm stupid."

"We're not together, you need to believe me. Okay, yes it's my child but I didn't even know about it until two months ago. We had a one night stand just before I met you. I wanted to tell you I really did but everything felt so perfect I just didn't want to ruin anything and lose you."

"So why were you in the park together walking around like you were together?"

Ollie grabbed her face and drew his face right up to Katya's. "I hadn't seen her since she told me. I had been shitting myself for months denying everything and only met up with her on a whim. As soon as she showed me the scans I felt happy, I didn't want her. I never had but I know I want to be in this babies life. That's why. I swear Katya, please believe me."
Katya turned away, she felt sick too her stomach.

"I think you need to leave."

Ollie opened his mouth and then quickly shut it again as if he thought better of what he was going to stay. He slowly walked to the the doorway and looked back at her

 "I am sorry Katya, please forgive me." Tears were silently streaming down his face and Katya managed to keep it together until just after she heard Ollie slam the front door on his way out. The second he left she felt her body crumple and her sobs spilled over each other like they were forcing their way out. Her face smothered by the pillow to dull the wails that were forcing their way out of her throat. She cried until she had no more tears to cry and then she lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and following the plaster swirls mad of plaster with her eyes, a warm hue from the sundown creeping round her drawn curtains illuminated the room.
Her phone rang but she didn't bother to check who it was or turn it off. She just lay there with her thoughts for hours until she finally succumbed to a deep and dreamless sleep.

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