Simple Creatures

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Jack and Alex finally decide to take a trip to Vegas. After a long day of sightseeing and exploring the two pile into a busy club only ten minutes away from the hotel, they're surprised that it took so long to find a bar since they were in Vegas of all places, they had passed three marriage chapels on the way to the club, each adorned in neon flashing lights of every colour imaginable and ridiculous caricatures of Elvis Presley.

Throughout the night and with each passing drink Jack found himself staring quite intently at Alex. The two had been basically attached at the hip since Jack moved in with him and his feelings for him only seem to grow everyday.

Suddenly the drinks started hitting and Jack can barely stand straight for more than ten seconds at a time.
Their eyes lock for milliseconds before Alex smashes his lips against Jacks.

Jack groans lightly when Alex's hands travel up to his hair and pull on it ever so slightly, his arms across his shoulders and his hands linked behind the back of his head.
The two pull apart after their lungs begin to burn due to lack of oxygen.

Eventually the two leave the bar, Alex intertwines his fingers with Jack's and they begin skipping merrily down the street, still giggling with each other as confused glares are sent their way.

"What's going hiccup on in that head of yours" Alex grins as he swings their hands back and forth.

"WE SHOULD GET MARRIED!" Jack yells as he points to the chapel beside them.

Alex looks at him for a second before a devious smile spreads across his face.

The pair bursts through the doors of the building dramatically, receiving bored glances from the employees as it wasn't uncommon for two people to become far too drunk and decide to get married.

Thirty minutes later and the two were exchanging rings, of course they didn't have actual rings so Jack placed a small hoop earring onto his ring finger and Alex an old key-ring with the tag missing.

"You may now kiss the bride" the Elvis impersonator yells in a horrific American accent, his true British accent blatant as he speaks.

Alex grasps each side of Jack's face and pulls him into a kiss, if it could be counted as a kiss, rather it was simply two smiles being clashed together violently since neither could withhold their giggles.

"Well Hello Mr. Gaskarth" Alex bows playfully as they walk outside, just as he was about to stand once again he stumbles slightly and falls straight onto the concrete with a quiet thud.

Jack giggles and instead of helping his now husband' stand he decides to accompany him on the cold, wet stone. The newlyweds broke into yet another fit of violent giggles as they rolled around on the pavement, the rain coming down in lashings, leaving them soaked as they finally stand back up and make their way back to the hotel.

The desk staff at the hotel chuckles as they both stumble drunkenly through the foyer and towards their room. Alex drags his newfound husband into his room and within seconds of them being in the space he has pinned him up against the wall, Alex kissing from his lips down to his neck, leaving visible bruises that he would have to cover in the morning.

"My beautiful husband." He whispers, making Jack's face go bright red.

"Mine." Jack whispers back and returns the kiss. "Alex.. baby?" He pulls away. "I know I'm really drunk but I have had this on my mind." He says with another hiccup. "Will you move back to Georgia with me? I don't really love this rockstar life." He looks down and giggles. "I miss home."

Alex bites his lip and thinks for a second. "I won't give up touring but.. I'll make it my home base."

"Good deal, husband." He smiles, trying to contain the excitement though he could just burst at the seams. He's ready to go back to his life and doing it with Alex by his side is ideal.

After the whole wedding disaster Levi moved down to Florida with his family. Jack's friends and family were still there and of course have forgiven him. If anything most of them just found it rather comical.

"Let's look for a place and we'll move as soon as we can. I'll play little beach shows, you go back to your turtles. Theo will love exploring the beaches too." Alex says, snapping Jack out of his thoughts.

"Perfect. Let's go be simple creatures then."

Simple Creatures // JalexWhere stories live. Discover now