Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Meili swatted at Rocket as he climbed up onto her back and perched upon her shoulders. The two of them were sharing her massive mabeast and thus there was plenty of room for him to function without causing her any grief. The young girl hunched forward as they thundered out across the open plain chasing at the White Whale, its harsh shadow cast by the Night Banisher a marker of where it was headed.

"You don't have to walk all over me, ya know!" She shouted.

Rocket stared up at the creature swimming through the sky and the question she asked seem to flow right past him without him giving it the least bit of consideration. He chuckled to himself. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna get me that horn," Rocket muttered.

"Are you listening to me?" Meili asked, looking back over her shoulder.

"Hey kid," Rocket said as he fiddled with the strange weapon that he had brought with him. "You don't have any problem with, um, blood and gore and that kind of, uh, stuff do you. Because if you do I would suggest that you look away," Rocket said.

"I kill people for a living," Meili said plainly.

"Right," Rocket shouldered the weapon he carried. Pushing the boxy thing against his body to steady it and pulling the trigger mechanism. There was a blast of wind as the projectile soared upward through the sky. It let out a loud whistle, the wind cutting around it on its journey upward.

The shot found its mark in the side of the Whale's head, just under the pink rune-like ring that hovered above the creature. Rocket had been going for the horn. A second later the weapon detonated with a massive explosion that caused the Whale to twist its body away from the explosion.

With a thunderous roar, the White Whale dipped down from up high to get lower and the Fang of Iron Mages took this chance to fire a volley of magic into the side of the beast. It cried out again and slammed its belly into the ground dragging itself in a sweeping arch over the field and tearing a wide trench through the ground.

"There's Elsa!" Meili yelled pointing to where the black haired assassin ran down the side of of the whale's body with one of her knives cutting into its skin.

Another figure darted across the open field, black suit jacket rippling in the wind behind him as he moved with his arms thrown back behind him to cut through drag. It was Wilhelm. He leaped through the air and landed near the Whale's tail and began slicing at the creature's body.

Other soldiers fired from the ground with arrows and running by to attack and then pull back. The Whale thrashes and tries to sling its tail side to side and shake them off. And in doing this Elsa is tossed down into the field. She lands in a crouch and it's easy to see that she is coated in the Whale's blood from head to toe. She cackles a kind of blank madness in her eyes as Meili and Rocket move past.

"And she's gone..." Meili said.

"I'm not even going to touch that," Rocket muttered. He lined up another shot, taking aim at the Whale. "I'm just thinking about how cool this is going to be when I shoot this stupid Whale in its stupid face."

He fired the weapon as Meili steered the Wagpig across in front of the Whale. The shot slammed into Whale causing it to cry out and Rocket whooped out a cheer.

Meili shrugged. "You could just kill it or you could try to take that stupid horn off its head and we can see if I can wrestle control away from it," she said.

Rocket's eyes glazed over. "Yeah, think of how much shit we could tear up with that thing. I like how you think, kid."

"Full canvas!" Hollered someone just off to the rear of the Wagpig. Rocket and Meili glanced back to see Wade Wilson and his makeshift boat wagon careening across the glass and bouncing every which way with Wade balanced on the bow shouting at his tiny crew.

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