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"Ya know Junie, I can always hook you up with Marco from accounting," Natasha teased as the three of them crowded around the screen with information on the mission.

"And I could get you with Lillian from accounting as well," she said, bumping into Barnes as he tried to shove the ear piece into his ear.

"Natty, nothing good ever comes out of someone named "Marco from accounting". I'm offended that you even suggested it!" June cried, clutching her chest in mock shock.

"Natasha, I'm ninety-five. Not dead. Let's get this mission done with and then you can find us dates," James yelled as he opened the ramp. Double checking his shield was strapped on tight, he looked to June and blew a kiss before falling backwards out of the jet.

"Was he wearing a chute?" Rumlow yelled over the rushing air. June whipped her head over to the STRIKE team Captain, hatred laced in her features. Rolling her eyes, she spun back around, hitting him in the face with her ponytail as she strutted over to Natasha.

"Come on Junie, give Rumlow a break. He's a good guy," Natasha said softly, helping June strap on her parachute. June shook her head as they both turned around, so now June was helping Natasha into her parachute.

"Natty, the man asked me on a date and legit tried to stab me! How the hell do you want me to be nice to him?" She asked as both girls walked towards the open door. Natasha looked at her and shrugged as if she had a point before grabbing her hand and jumping out of the jet.

As June glided down towards the boat, she saw Barnes fighting of a hoard of men, almost getting his ass kicked. One had managed to get behind him with a gun to his head.

"Peace out bitch!" She yelled as she fired her gun at the pirates head; landing on the deck next to Barnes, he smiled as he shook his head before running off.

"Junie," Natasha laughed as she nudged her friend playfully, insinuating that Captain Barnes may like her.

"Natty if you don't shut the hell up right now, I'm throwing you overboard myself," she laughed, chasing after the Captain to find out the next step.

June swore they fought pirates forever, bastards just don't stay down!

"Get down, McKay!" Barnes told her through their comms. Without a second thought, she dropped to her knees and heard the sound of his vibranium shield bouncing off the pirates that had cornered her.

James jogged over to her and held his hand out for her to take. Taking his hand, he winked as he bent over to pick up his shield.

"You're welcome, McKay,"

"Eat my ass Barnes. I had that under control," she teased. James chuckled, rolling his eyes he began to make his way to the helm as Rumlow told him they've found the hostages and had everything under control.

"Hmm maybe later. And under control looked like you were getting your ass handed to you," he teased, getting quieter as he motioned for her to station at the side of the door.

"On three," he whispered into the comms. June nodded as she got her gun ready.


As the last count left his lips, he threw his shield into the door, knocking it off its hinges as it imbedded itself into the farthest wall. Stepping inside, June quickly shot her gun into Bactroc's shoulder and then knee.

"Hostages secure, cap," Rumlow said through the comms. June had half a mind to tell him to shut the hell up and let the big kids handle it; but she didn't.


James sighed as he walked through his door, throwing down his duffel bag. As he walked into the kitchen, he patted Alpine's head as the feline jumped up on the counter.

"What's on the menu tonight buddy?" He mumbled as he opened the fridge. Browsing the slim options, James looked down as Alpine began to twirl between his legs, looking up at the wet food stored in the fridge.

Chuckling, he grabbed a can and the little plate on the floor. Opening it, he stirred it a bit before dumping the wet food onto the plate. Place it on the floor, he patted Alpine's head again before going back to browse his own options.


"Open up! It's your favorite with pizza!"

James laughed as he walked towards his door; standing on the other side was June with three pizza boxes in her hands.

"How did you knock if your hands are full?" He asked as she walked into his apartment. Setting the boxes down on the counter, she laughed as she opened the first one.

"I didn't. I kicked it," she replied, shoving the pizza into her mouth as she grabbed a beer from his fridge.

James rolled his eyes and chuckled softly as he grabbed a slice as well; sitting on his couch, he looked to June ,who had found her perch on the counter next to the pizza.

"Do you every think you'll find someone to love?" He wondered out loud, staring at the floor to avoid June's judgmental gaze.

"Nope," she replied, popping the P as she shoved half the slice of pizza into her mouth.

Neither of them said another word as they ate; it was a comfortable silence, neither James nor June had anything else to say. They were comfortable within their odd friendship, and he trusted her with his life.

After dinner, June took one of the boxes and made her way to the door. Petting Alpine, she slipped on her shoes and went to open the door.

"Good night McKay," James said, walking close to her to make sure Alpine didn't get out- or so he told himself.

"Good Night Captain Barnes," she whispered, mocking a salute with a smile. James laughed as he blew her kiss, just like he always did.

Pretending to grab it out of the air, she opened her palm to her cheek; winking at him, she walked into her own apartment and closed the door.

And now James was alone again, his thoughts from the morning surfacing once again.

The guilt ate him away ever since he's been out of the ice. Not only did he let his best friend down- literally and figuratively- but he feels like he lets his team down now, especially when someone ends up hurt.

Although that's the job, someone is bound to get hurt and needs either stitches or a cast or whatnot; but he feels like it's all his fault because he can't protect those he loves.

"I'm with you till the end of the line, Stevie,"

That line haunts him.

Steve's "end of the line" came a lot sooner than James's, and he blames himself for that more than he should.

Sighing and shaking his head in an attempt to get the thoughts away, he walked over to the record player and dropped the needle.

"Fly Me to the Moon." began to play over the speaker. James smiled as he began to slow dance with himself in the living room.

This was one of the songs his sister, Becca, always made him dance to when they were younger. And before the war. She always teased him that he needed to learn to dance so when the right girl game along, he wouldn't be tripping over her.

He missed her, and of course didn't have any photos of her. She existed now, only in his memory; which saddened him.

Once the song ended and the next one began to play, he looked to the time displayed on the kitchen stove; 11:35 pm.

"Bed time,Alpine?" He asked the feline, who was fast sleep on the couch, curled up into himself. James smiled widely at the cat; picking him up, he placed the sleepy feline on his shoulder as he made his way to the bedroom.

Placing the cat on the end of the bed, James stripped down and slipped on a pair of shorts, opting out the shirt as it got too hot in his room.

Slipping in between the sheets, he hoped he could get a nice nights sleep and the nightmares would stay away for one night.

A/N: okay but June is a whole ass mood. I love her 😍. Don't forget to leave likes and comments! And drop a follow to get updates!

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