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"mister Emerson" Garrett looked at Naomi. "Naomi" "just checking in boss" Garrett held in his grin "courtney is healing well. She has saved your number" "I plan to see her one day soon. I better get to work. I'd hate to be late" "alright" 'that woman. She is lucky she is friends with Courtney'.
"What do you think you are doing?" Naomi looked at some woman she has never met "going to my work space, what's it look like" "I meant with mister Emerson" "I can do whatever the hell I like. You need to get the hell out of my face" the woman showed a cocky smirk "I don't need to do anything new girl. I have worked here for years. I know he doesn't like to be addressed. Stay away from him if you know what's good for you" Naomi chuckled "got the hots for the boss huh?" "Uh..no" "now that's crap. Now listen here you little tramp..." "Naomi is there a problem?" "Yeah this woman has the hots for you and warned me to stay away" Garrett looked at the woman with disgust "you don't tell my wife's friend to stay away from me and even if I wasn't married, you definitely are not my type. NOW GET TO WORK" Naomi smirked while Jennifer rushed off. "time to go to work. She made me late and that's not okay" Garrett grinned "well hurry up" Naomi chuckled "on it boss" Garrett shook his head before walking back to the foyer.

"Argh that stupid bitch" Jamieson looked at Jennifer "who now?" "The new girl. Thinks she can just come in and take over" "she has taken over the filing room" "what?" "Yes Claire was fired" "what the hell for?" "Not doing her job. So you best do yours" "I do my job and so did Claire. Wait until I see that woman again" Jamieson shook his head "good luck is all I have to say. If you don't have a job afterwards, don't say I didn't warn you" Jennifer sat down at the computer. 'she won't do shit'.

"How's it going in here?" "I believe I have it handled. As I previously guessed, it's every two hours" "go to lunch" "yes sir" Naomi walked out while Garrett looked around. 'this place is spotless. Courtney was right, she works hard'
Exiting the room, Garrett walked to departures.

"Hi ma'am what can I get for you?" "A cappuccino two sugars and a salad thanks" "any dressing?" "Italian thanks" "sure".

'that fucking bitch. I will make her get fired' Jennifer entered the filing room and started pulling everything off of the shelves. 'Mister Emerson hates a mess'

Sitting down for lunch, Naomi ate her meal in peace, while Jennifer destroys the filing room. Finishing her lunch, Naomi stood up and walked back to her work. "Naomi. This is from departures" Naomi looked at the files then opened the door. "What the hell.." Garrett immediately pushed past Naomi "WHO DID THIS?" "far out. That took us all day" "do not touch anything. I will check the cameras. Whoever has done this will be fired" "what would you like me to do?" "You can come with me" "okay" Naomi walked with Garrett to the camera room. "Bring up foyer floor cameras" "yes sir" Naomi stood near the door just waiting. 'argh we fixed all that room and now it's destroyed. I know Garrett's not happy. I'm just thankful he knows I didn't do it' "let's go Naomi. I have someone to go see" "okay. Does this mean Courtney is coming back in?" Garrett looked at Naomi "no. She is healing" "argh" Garrett held in his laughter. "I can.." "no. Come with me" "okay". Entering the shipping area, Garrett looked around. "Naomi this way" "yes sir" following Garrett he stopped right Infront of Jennifer. "for damaging my property, you can pack your bags and leave" "what I haven't.." "IT WAS ON CAMERA. DO YOU THINK IM STUPID. YOU ARE FIRED. PACK YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE" Jamieson shook his head 'i warned her' Jennifer looked at Naomi with hatred "because of you.." "I didn't damage the filing room" "no, you come in here.." "PACK YOUR BELONGINGS. YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO OTHER STAFF THAT WAY AND YOU DO NOT DAMAGE MY PROPERTY WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES" Jennifer rushed to grab her belongings then ran out. "Let's go Naomi" "yes sir" Jamieson held in his laughter. 'i already know Naomi is a friend of courtneys. I know not to cross the line. I tried to warn Jennifer but she didn't listen'.

"I will do the best I can to catch up" "it will take some time. I know that" Naomi showed a slight nod as Garrett walked out. 'what is with fucking tramps and their bullshit. What part of he's married, doesn't she understand' Naomi got to sorting out the paperwork again.

"Garrett how is your day?" "Had to fire someone but fine. Yours?" "What's happened?" "A woman from shipping destroyed all the hard work you and Naomi had done" "what?.. argh come get me.." "no you need to rest" "it's bruising" "and sitting?" "I won't be sitting, I will be working" "Courtney, rest. It will be sorted" "but.." "REST. I CAN SORT MY OWN COMPANY OUT" Courtney hung up the phone and Garrett took a deep breath 'shit. I just yelled at her. Argh I didn't mean to take my anger out but I want her to rest and I'm over the bullshit with this company. Do I call her back? It's probably best I dont. Not while I am still annoyed'.

'argh all I wanted to do was help. I'm bored here. There's nothing to do. I can't use the gym right now. Looks like I am cooking' while Courtney looked in the fridge, Garrett sat looking at his computer screen.
'i have no idea what I am cooking but it will be sweet. I haven't had anything sweet since I arrived here and as I can't do anything else, I plan to bake' Courtney looked in the fridge and the pantry. 'chocolate yoghurt cake. Seems everything is here besides the chocolate chips that go on top but that's fine with me. The best part is the middle' cooking up a storm in the kitchen, a bottle of bourbon caught her eye. 'hmm I wonder what that tastes like. No finishing cooking first' getting everything done, Courtney placed the cake into the oven and set the timer. 'i better clean all this up' cleaning everything up, Courtney kept eyeing off the bottle. 'what have I got to lose' Courtney grabbed a small glass and tipped a little bit of the bourbon in before doing it up again. Opening the fridge, courtney grabbed out the cola then walked back to the glass. Pouring it in, Courtney then did the cola bottle up and took that back. 'i wonder if it's as good as people think it is. I personally haven't tasted it but there's a first time for everything'. Just as Courtney put the glass to her lips, Garrett walked in. "Courtney what are you doing?" "Thought I'd try some bourbon" "no.." Courtney savored the taste of the bourbon 'its actually not too bad' "you don't drink" "well there isn't much else to do. First time for everything" Garrett grabbed the glass "you have.. what is in the oven?" "Chocolate yoghurt cake" "that's not healthy" "no it's a sweet" "just rest courtney" "well I have to wait until the cake is done then cook dinner..." "No. Rest" "I'm over resting. it's all I have done" "it's what is best right now until you heal. This drink, that sweet that you have made are not okay" 'argh I'm so frustrated' "you should be having water and healthy food. Not that or this. Why would you think it's okay" "something different" "no" "argh" Courtney turned the oven off and walked out "COURTNEY" "THROW IT OUT" Garrett put his head down. 'i just want her to rest. I know she is bored' Garrett opened the oven and the most delicious smell hit him. 'i don't even know how long it's been on or how long it should be cooked for'.
Courtney walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Stripping out of her clothes, courtney then got in. 'argh I'm so bored, so annoyed. I have to say that bourbon did taste nice though. I didn't make it strong just wanted to see what it was like. It's not like I made it like I used to make my father's. Argh that man, I hope he was put away. I hope my sister was put away and mister Malta. What they did was not okay. All they have wanted is to bring us down. My sister is only in it because she is jealous. She's the one that wanted me gone in the first place, it's not my fault she had to get her fancy nails dirty for a change'

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