chapter 16

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short chapter, but you guys r gonna like this one!! also it's not unrealistic for them to smoke, every teenager smokes ong 

song: shadow by chromatics

"You came..." a sigh left his lips. He didn't know whether to feel relieved or not. People walked past from in front of him. some looking more stressed than others. It was busy.

"Yep." The other boy muttered with a cigarette between his lips, holding a lighter in his other hand with his hand cupped around the dancing flame as his face twisted in focus .

Jeongwoo turned his head to him in curiosity when he heard his voice muffled. He quieted down the urge to ask him for one. Wasn't he not supposed to smoke? Haruto took a pull in, letting the bitter smoke circle in his lungs before he let it go and stared into the distance. He never usually inhaled the first hit but he didn't wan't to waste any of the cigarette, so he just took it.

Jeongwoo looked forward.

"Did you drive here or-" Haruto cut him off before he could go on.

"Get to the point. Why did you want to meet?" He asked straight forwardly and knocked down his attempt to stall for a few minutes. Jeongwoo sighed, his stomach tied into knots.

"because..." he started with a breath in, "I have a plan."

"So what is it?" Haruto faced him and asked nonchalantly with the cigarette between his lips before he caught it between his fingers . Jeongwoo felt his chest tighten. Haruto looked the least bit interested in what he had to say. From what Jeongwoo could pick up from his body language anyway. He wasn't sure of anything anymore.

"So you agree with helping me?" Jeongwoo asked, regretting how hopeful he sounded. Haruto looked forward and took another pull of smoke in. Jeongwoo counted the seconds he remained unresponsive. With every passing second the more unlikely it became that he would agree.

"I never said I agreed. I need to hear the plan first." Haruto said as the smoke left his lips. Jeongwoo let out an exasperated sigh.

"I can't tell you if you don't agree." He said in frustration. Haruto faced him with his brows furrowed. There was no need for all that complication. He could see the stress in Jeongwoo's face. It made him congratulate himself at how well he hid his stress compared to Jeongwoo.

"Why not?" He asked with an innocent shrug. Jeongwoo scoffed and looked to the side. He wasn't seriously asking him for the plan was he? Jeongwoo looked back at him to see if he was joking. But haruto just looked back at him with that suspicious look he had for him before.

"Because how do I know you're not gonna go tell everyone?" He suggested frustratedly . Haruto looked down and took another pull of smoke. He had a point. So there was no free trial for this stuff. It was either agree or disagree. And once you agree you can't get out of it. Haruto took a moment.

𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒎 ✒︎ hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now