Chapter 2 Tragety strikes

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The next day Haley woke up with a pain her head. it was a constant throbbing. she sat up in bed it was so bad she felt light headed. "mom?!?!" Haley yelled in a panicked voice. She didn't know what was wrong.Her mom, Tana came in with a worried expression written on her face. " what's wrong baby?" Tana asked. " I don't know, I feel really lightheaded, and I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Haley said in a quiet voice. " OK honey, I'll call the doctor and see what they say."     
A few hours later a car , containing Tana and Haley stops in front of the doctors office. Tana helped Haley inside, sat her down in the waiting area and went to check in. There was some Soft whispering that came from the check in desk and then Tana came to sit down next to Haley.
A few minutes later, "Haley?" A nurse called. Tana and Haley stood up and walked behind the nurse to a exam room filled with the smell of rubbing alcohol. " I will send the doctor in in a moment!" The nurse said in a peppy voice and closed the large door behind her. A few moments after, a tall doctor in a white coat entered the room. He listened through his stethoscope and checked her ears, eyes, and took her temperature. He look note of each result in silence. After a long pause he said," It just looks like the flu. Nothing to be concerned about." "Shouldn't we just take blood to make sure? " Tana said in a confused voice. "No need" the doctor said in a flat voice. " Come back in a week of it continues to get worse." And with that the doctor left the exam room. Haley and her mom stood up and walked out of the office. And the Doctor didn't know how wrong his diagnosis was.

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