Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A quiet, peaceful night is what you were expecting, or rather what you had hoped for, but as you stared at the carnage that lied just a few steps ahead; a garden, your garden, in absolute disarray, almost everything that you had spent months growing, ruined, squashed beneath a totaled spaceship —- with this sight, that hope disappeared with a blink.

You walked closer, side stepping over the rubble, scraps of metal, all the debris the crash left in its wake —- with squinted eyes you peered into the slightly cracked glass that surrounded the ship, now getting a clearer view of the person inside.

A familiar face is what greets you, well, a bruised and bloodied version of it anyway.

You stared, almost unblinking, trying to focus one what to do; at first glance the answer would be obvious; call an ambulance - let them deal with this, yet that would require too much energy, way too much socializing for your taste.

It's night and you're too tired to contemplate any longer, so you settled on what seemed like the easier option. You take a step to the side, and reach for the car door, and pull - it quickly opens with more ease than you expected, and as soon as it does, cans and bottles of beer spill out to your feet, some left over liquid dripping to ground.

Your nose scrunched up, the smell that wafted into your nostrils, too powerful to ignore. Your hand instinctively lets go of the car door shooting up to cover your mouth and nose - the metal squeaks, moving back and forth its hinges before ultimately falling to the ground with a loud clang.

Geez. You thought. This thing is falling apart. You turned back towards the man inside, still unconscious, his face pressed against the headboard, the cut across his forehead still bleeding. 

"Hopefully this thing doesn't explode." You muttered, as you leaned inside and carefully wrapped your arms around him, quickly craning your head away from him. It was safe to say, the smell wasn't just in the car.

"Gods." You groaned, successfully managing to drag him outside of the car. "--you stink." You glared down at him, before continuing to drag him across the dirt. Thankfully you lived alone, way into the outskirts of town, or else you wouldn't know how to explain whatever it is you were doing to a neighbor.

Another reminder that you would, for some reason, rather help out a well known intergalactic criminal, than socialize. You blinked. Good choice, good choices all around.

It takes a few minutes until you finish lugging his body into the house, and onto your couch —- he might have hit a few doors here and there, but he was in a car crash, so he won't notice a few surprise bumps, probably.

You take a step back, looking down at him, before checking his pulse. His skin is a bit damp and colder than most humans, but who knows really, you weren't an expert on human biology. He has a pulse, he's alive - that's the important part.

You gripped his slightly torn lab coat, and pulled it off him, setting it aside before taking off his teal shirt. Your fingers gently skimmed across his skin, examining his now exposed stomach and chest for any more bruises or cuts, there's one close to his neck, but otherwise there doesn't seem to be anymore.

You hoped he didn't have any sort of internal injuries, if he didn't then he's mostly fine, better than most would be coming out of a ship plummeting to the ground.  For now, you would focus on cleaning and disinfecting his cuts, the large one on his forehead definitely needs to be stitched.

You can do this. You tried to reassure yourself before taking a deep breath, preparing yourself for a long night ahead.

"You're gonna owe me big time."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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