Boy Behind The Window.

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(This chapter is in the POV of Edward.)

Edward clutched his stomach, trying so hard to hold back tears. Why. Why did that boy get love? Why was he allowed to be recognized? Edward began to quietly sob. He slid down the wall to a sitting position. He grabbed his hair and the quiet sob turned into a screaming sob. Why did that random boy get to feel the love of ANYONE? He had nice clothes, nice hair, and loving parents. It wasn't FAIR. Distracted by his anger and sadness, he didn't realize how loud he was being. Shit. Here comes sister Elina, the mean one. He hated that nun and she hated him. She would beat Edward until he couldn't walk, and if she heard him crying, it wouldn't be good.

Her footsteps drew closer and Edward panicked. He quickly wiped his tears and shut his curtains.

"Edward." She said sternly, coming to a stop at his door way. "You weren't looking out the window again were you?"
"N-no ma'am." He studdered.
She walked up to him and grabbed his face. She turned his face and lowered to his level. "You do know what happens to little boys who lie and don't do as they're told?" She whispered and gripped his face harder. Edward winced. "They're punished for their sins." She whispered, smiling. Edward wanted to push her away, curl up in a ball and cry himself to sleep. She began to dig her nails into his face. He yelped, blood beginning to prickle from his cheeks. "Please miss.. let go you're hurting me.." He whispered.
"Speak up son, what was that?" She growled digging her claws into his face harder.

Tears began to stream from Edward's face and he sobbed. "You're- hurting m-me!" He yelled through his sobs. She let go of his face and smacked him, pushing him over. He quickly looked for something to help him up. She grabbed his arm and threw him in front of his bed, his glasses sliding off to the side.
"NEVER YELL AT YOUR ELDERS." She screamed at him. Ed began to wail and sob from the pain in his side. She crouched down next to him and pulled him up by his hair. Edward wished he had enough strength to fight back but he was helpless compared to sister Elina. She pulled Edward up and threw him at the bed. "You better pray hard tonight boy, you're surely going to hell."
Edward curled up on his bed and sobbed loudly. As soon as he heard her heels click out of the room and down the hallway, he got under his covers and tried to silence his sobbing. Edward moved his gaze to his bed under the blankets, it was now partially covered in the smeered blood from his cheeks. This was sure to stain. He reached to adjust his glasses as a force of habit. Wait.. where were his glasses? Edward lifted the covers up slowly. He realized he could barely see anything. Edward got out of bed and dropped to the floor, feeling the ground to search for his glasses. He heard the sound of footsteps. It couldn't be sister Elina because after every single time something like this happened, she wouldn't be seen for the entire night. The foot steps grew closer and Edward perked his head from the floor, trying to see who it was. It was Evin, the only nice kid in the orphanage. "Oh Edward, you dropped your glasses!" He exclaimed, grabbing them and putting them on Ed's face. Evin was usually a loud spoken kid, always getting in trouble. He always had new bruises on him from falling off of everything.

"Oh god.. what happened to your face!?" He yelled. Edward shook his head. "It's nothing." Edward said holding his tears. "I need sleep." Edward said, noting for Evin to leave him alone in the nicest way possible. "Yeah, yeah I get it. Sleep well Eddie" He grinned, walking out of the room. Edward felt himself smile. "Eddie.." He whispered. He liked that.


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