Highschol of the Demons

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I slowly wake up and take a quick look around my room. Everything looked in place and there was no one in my bed so that means those two didn't come into my house.

I do my usual routine of getting ready. It looked pretty cold outside and it was raining so I threw a hoodie on and made my way outside. Nothing eventful happened on the walk to school, it seemed weird, I'd usually run into Mrs. Peters or her sister, maybe read something on the newspaper. But there was nothing at all.

Even when I was walking towards the entrance Flash wasn't there to almost run me over with his car. Then realization hit, why I had this weird feeling of dread and fear.

Yesterday's events played in my head, I had thrown two dodgeballs at Flashs face and one hitting him in the nuts. He's probably already in school and is waiting for me.

Y/N(thoughts): I'll have to sneak to classes.

While walking to my locker I was looking over my shoulder every now and then and looking down each hallway and into every classroom. So, if I saw Flash I'd run.

While going through my locker Peter appeared, for some reason his voice had excitement in it and he was talking really fast.

Peter: Y/N that was amazing what you did yesterday, I didn't even know you were that capable of doing a backflip and then you nailed Flash in the face twice and then in the nuts. That was insane!

I turn to Peter.

Y/N: Shut up Peter. Everyone in the gym class will be talking about it for a while so that'll fuel Flashs' rage even more, and I'm not trying to have him spot me.

Peter: Everyone in gym? You got it wron-

Before he could finish I began to make my way quickly towards my class. This was only time I would give him more than two sentences of conversation, at least I hope. He's persistent and he might annoy me into a conversation.

I finally make it into my class and sit at my desk, there was only 10 minutes before class so the chances of seeing Flash within that time is very thin.

While sitting I saw both Poole and Kamala walk in. Kamala was limping. Dang, what did Black Cat due to her?

Then Gwen came in and sat next to me. When looking at her I  recoiled as I saw she had a couple of bruises on her face.

Y/N: What happened to you?

Gwen: I don't want to talk about it.

Then a smirk grew on her face.

Gwen: But what I do wanna talk about is you.

Y/N: Why's that?

Gwen: You tore Flash a new one at gym class yesterday.

I looked at Gwen with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't in my gym class.

Y/N: You know about that?

Gwen: Not just me the entire school saw the video.

Y/N: Video?

Gwen then pulls out her phone and shows it to me. Watching the video I see that it started with it being Chavez and I vs Flash. Then after a few seconds it shows me running up, backflipping over Flash's dodgeball, and hitting Flash with the three piece combo. The squeal from Flash is heard and I'm shown running out of the gym. The video then ends.

This caused me to groan and lay my head down on the table.

Y/N: So the whole school knows?

Gwen: Yep. They even have the video with different kinds of visual and sound effects. There's about a hundred of them already.

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