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Ye Yao found out that he was in love with his friend Lu Xun.

They ate and slept together, were almost inseparable and were each other's best friends.

From what he had learnt over the years, Lu Xun was a straight man of steel, and because of his good looks, he was very attractive to guys with a male sexual orientation.

Whenever such a person appeared, Lu Xun would cut them off without a second thought. Even if he was a good friend before, he would still blacklist them without any hesitation, keeping them completely out of his world.

To preserve this friendship, Ye Yao minimised the time he spent with Lu Xun, a relationship that should not have been discovered.

Lu Xun wanted to travel alone with him, but he refused.

Lu Xun wanted to take a bath with him, but he refused.

Lu Xun wanted to sleep with him, but he still refused.

. . . . .

Ye Yao managed to reduce his contact with Lu Xun, but one day, when he was alone at home, he was blocked by Lu Xun.

The man who was always cheerful and sunny to him now had a horrible dark face and pinned him against the wall.

"Hiding from me?" Lu Xun laughed coldly, "If you can't give a proper reason ...... you can't blame me for following you every minute of every day."

Ye Yao confessed.

He told Lu Xun that he liked men, but didn't not say that he liked Lu Xun.

Lu Xun, who shunned homosexuality like a snake, gave him exceptional treatment.

Not only did he not stay away from him, he took Ye Yeo to the movies and tried to straighten him out.

"What's so great about smelly, hard men, it's disgusting." Lu Xun put his arm around Ye Yao's shoulders and pointed at the man working hard on the computer screen with one hand, saying to Ye Yao, "They're hard and smelly just imagine such a man beneath you, let's not like men anymore, okay?"

Ye Yao was silent for a moment: "You're right about everything, but ...... I'm the one who likes being down there."

Lu Xun was stunned, and then fled.

Ye Yao thought his friendship with Lu Xun would end here, but at one of the social events, in the darkness, he was wrapped up in a familiar embrace.

The usually casual voice was now full of anger: "How dare you let another man touch you?"

. . . . .

Ye Yao finally understood.

He had made Lu Xun bent like a mosquito without Lu Xun knowing it himself.


P.S- The book has some grammatical and typing errors and I plan to edit them to make it more readable. I've already edited 3 chapters but I'm not quite sure when I'll get the time to edit the rest :((

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