Chapter 27 - Don't hold hands

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Lu Xun watched as Ye Yao stood up and walked with the beautiful dancer to the open space a few steps away.

Ye Yao holds the dancer's fingers in a gentleman's grip as beautiful lyrical music plays and the dancer begins to spin and jump.

she opens her arms and spins outwards, her skirt flying. After spinning until both arms are taut in a straight line, she starts spinning towards Ye Yao again and finally pretends to lean into Ye Yao's arms.

For all intents and purposes, this interactive dance with strangers is not overly intimate; the dancers appear to be leaning into the arms of the guests as they spin inwards, but that is only a misalignment and they don't actually lean in, with some distance between them.

From Lu Xun's point of view, he cannot see the empty distance between them, only the dancers' eyes closed and their faces smiling.

Lu Xun's hand shakes slightly as he holds the chopsticks, not out of fear but out of anger.

How can anyone lie in Ye Yao's arms and laugh so happily?

What does this mean, this girl also has a crush on Ye Yao, and Ye Yao is in love with his?

What about him? He was the one who had happily asked Ye Yao to come to dinner with him, and now he was a third party, a redundant light bulb?

It was clear that he came first.

Lu Xun rationally knows that it's rude to rush up and interrupt someone's dance, but who can be rational in this situation?

Lu Xun jerked to his feet, his face extremely frightened. The table was shaken by his impact, and the ceramic dinner plate set on top clicked with a clatter.

Ye Yao turns his head at the sound of movement and gives Lu Xun a light glance.

The glance was not strong, nor did it carry anything resembling a threatening emotion, simply to see what Lu Xun was doing, yet it was a glance that easily subdued Lu Xun.

Lu Xun thought of a problem.

He rushed straight up to interrupt the dance and pull Ye Yao away, he was happy but Ye Yao would have been embarrassed.

Just like a university student being forcibly removed by his parents from an Internet cafe, it can be said to be extremely demoralising to a person's self-esteem, and perhaps after this time Ye Yao will be angry with him and won't care about him.

What could he do, he could not lock Ye Yao in the golden house and use coercion to keep Ye Yao out if he did not want to make up with him?

It was illegal to restrict someone's personal freedom, and Ye Yao happened to be a law student, so although Ye Yao probably wouldn't have sent him in himself out of personal friendship, Ye Yao hated people who broke the law, and he couldn't let Ye Yao hate him.

Lu Xun suppressed the anger in his heart and slowly and stiffly sat down a little more.

After Lu Xun had waited for years, the dance interaction was finally over and Ye Yao returned to him.

Lu Xun still couldn't quite control his temper and grimly said, "Oh, having fun dancing?"

"It's okay." Ye Yao wiped off the smell of perfume left on his hands with a wet tissue, "They interacted quite well."

The sizing is also quite appropriate and does not make him feel uncomfortable.

Lu Xun's expression is hard to see and out of control. He tries a gentle smile, but the end result is similar to that of a widower who has run away from his wife.

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