Chapter 51 - In front of me in future

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There was silence inside the dormitory, as if time had frozen.

There are footsteps, one step at a time, coming towards Ye Yao.

Ye Yao's back straightened, there was no point in playing the ostrich now, so he slowly straightened up and closed the wardrobe door.

Ye Yao's feelings were quite mixed, he hadn't quite figured out how to face Lu Xun. He wanted to seriously criticise and educate Lu Xun, but he also wanted to tell Lu Xun that he could speak up if he wanted to do such things, and he also wanted to grab Lu Xun and beat him up.

At the same time, of course, he was also a bit afraid that Lu Xun would choose to rip off his disguise if he broke the secret. Isn't that what they often do in TV dramas, where the protagonist breaks the villain's bad deeds and the villain smiles grimly and says, "Now that you know, I won't pretend anymore."

It really is like an onion that can be peeled back layer after layer, with each layer giving him a new ...... surprise.

The sound of footsteps came up behind Ye Yao.

Ye Yao decided he couldn't be cowardly, so he preempted him and lowered his voice, "What do you have to say?"

Ye Yao did not turn around, remaining oriented towards Lu Xun at the back of the front wardrobe, so that he could not see Lu Xun's expression and would not give away his own.

Ye Yao did not immediately receive a reply from Lu Xun, whose hand with the ring was shaken.

The grip on his hand was careful in its strength, as if he was unhappy if it was heavy, and he shrugged it off if it was light.

Lu Xun is in a weak state of mind.

Lu Xun was afraid he would get angry.

Lu Xun is in his element.

As soon as this move was made Ye Yao knew he had the upper hand, and with that seeming apprehension in his mind dropped, Ye Yao asked again, "Are my clothes okay to touch?"

"Hmm." Lu Xun said.

Ye Yao continued, "What's different from yours? We both bought the same model, be honest with me."

Ye Yao also knows that he is asking a nonsense question. For Lu Xun, the fact that a garment has been worn by him is probably the most important difference, and the feeling he gets when he touches it is completely different.

But he wanted Lu Xun to say it himself, to tell him about this wild desire. He would then slowly lead the way and rationalise everything.

There is no need for concealment between the two of them, only honesty.

The scene was also mentally tense for Lu Xun, who was subconsciously trying to cheer Ye Yao up, trying to comply with Ye Yao's wishes, given his serious expression.

He really couldn't think of a sensible excuse anyway.

"Your clothes, they smell better than mine." Lu Xun says.

Ye Yao: "Hmmm, nice touch ...... nice smell?"

Ye Yao: "......"

Lu Xun: "......"

Ye Yao's face gradually becomes expressionless.

He pulled the hand he was holding out and moved the joints of his hand.

He will not, today, be a civilized man.


Ye Yao had the upper hand in this fight, as Lu Xun did not fight back at him at all.

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