Chapter 55 - We will always be together

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It turns out that kissing in broad daylight can be risky, and when you're in love, Ye Yao Yao heard an angry shout from behind his, "Hey, which class are you two from? Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you're on holiday, you're still thinking about early love at this important time of your life!"

In his haste to separate from Lu Xun, Ye Yao looked back and saw a middle-aged man with a serious face and a fierce expression.

Their head teacher, back in the day, was not at all shy about catching early love.

Ye Yao was pushed twice by Lu Xun in the direction of the wall as the head teacher ran towards them in a fury.

"Oh no, I've been caught in love, run, run, run." Lu Xun said, "You run first, I'll give you a head start!"

Ye Yao followed Lu Xun's push up the wall and gave the head teacher a final look back.

The head teacher got close enough to see his face clearly and his eyes widened, " Ye Yao? Are you Ye Yao?"

Ye Yao jumped off the wall and landed on his feet. He waited on the other side of the wall and soon saw Lu Xun tumbling over as well.

Lu Xun landed smoothly, took Ye Yao's hand and ran: "No, Ye students have impressed the teacher so much that he still remembers our Number one scholar Ye after all these years."

"If you say a few words to him and draw his attention away, he will immediately remember Brother Lu." Ye Yao said as he ran.

Lu Xun didn't deny Ye Yao's claim, it was clear that no one was chasing them, and even if someone did catch up with them, they could still explain it away.

The summer breeze was blowing against his ears and Lu Xun's voice was a little nasal as he smiled and asked, "Does it look like you're running away with me?"

Together, we escape all the constraints of the world and go to the ends of the earth with the one we love.

Ye Yao pulls Lu Xun to a halt, propping his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"No more running," Ye Yao said, "take a break."

When Lu Xun saw Ye Yao stop, he felt the urge to go over and kiss his again, but now that he was outside on the main road, he tried to resist the urge.

Ye Yao gave him a confession today that he will have to remember for the rest of his life.

Sneakily remember, every year from now on, have a romantic date with Ye Yao on this day.

Ye Yao's shortness of breath gradually adjusted and he began to walk slowly, leading Lu Xun.

"Brother Ye is less fit than usual today, is that ......" Lu Xun suddenly knew the reason before the question was even asked.

It's some kind of reason that can't be said in broad daylight.

There are many kiosks and supermarkets near the school. Lu Xun dragged Ye Yao into one of them and took a bottle of milk from the shelf to give Ye Yao a tonic.

Ye Yao and the cow on the milk bottle stare blankly at each other, suddenly connecting with Lu Xun's thoughts.

He even knew why Lu Xun had only bought one bottle, as Lu Xun would surely say he had already drunk it last night and didn't need any more.

"Give us a bit of nutrition for Ye Yao." Lu Xun says.

Ye Yao: "......"

After sobering up, Ye Yao can still remember a lot of things he did when he was drunk, which is why he brought Lu Xun here today to confess his love and tell him who his crush is.

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