Chapter 14

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If what Tubbo had said earlier was true; that Ranboo was only a year older than him and Tubbo was the same age as Tommy then that meant that Ranboo was 12.

What was a 12 year old doing as a palace guard? He was tall enough to be able to pass as 16 which was the minimum age but there was no way to hide his youthful tone.

I was startled by a sudden loud clap from Tubbo, who knew that such a short boy would be able to make such a loud noise. "Right, we need to figure out what our plan for overthrowing the king is now that we have more members to help."

There were slow nods from around the group, signifying that everybody agreed with Tubbo's idea.

"I think that we should all go in together probably at night and kill the king." Wilbur suggested.

Don't let him do that

Go alone

Protect them

They will die

The voices were telling me that I shouldn't let us all go in together and that people would die, I didn't know wether to believe them or not, they could just be trying to get me killed.

Trust us

We won't let the blood god die

Technoblade never dies

I had made up my mind, I would act like I was all for this plan but just before it was to be executed I would sneak into the castle and do it myself.

"... so Techno what do you think of this plan?"

"Oh I like it," I agreed hesitantly, not knowing what the plan actually was.

"Then it's settled!" Tubbo turned to face us once more, "get yourself comfortable and make yourself at home!"

We had left the horses outside so I decided to go and get my gear from Carl.

As I was un-saddling him I heard footsteps behind me and a quiet voice speak, "excuse me, your a palace guard why are you helping take the king down?"

"I could say the same thing to you but you shouldn't even be one in the first place." I replied to Ranboo's question still facing away from him.

"I was a spy." He spoke so quietly that I barely heard him.

"You were spying? For who?" I was curious about who would send in a child as a guard to spy on the king and the inner workings of the castle.

"It doesn't matter who. I want to know why you left so soon after you were drafted, you had already built up a reputation after you killed that boar and scared Quackity with the skull so why would you leave?"

I sighed, there was no point in not telling him after all he would most likely find out anyways through somebody- most likely Tommy.

"The king sent me to assassinate Phil, he said that he was a threat to the kingdom and therefore needed to die."

"Then why didn't you kill him and instead joined up with him?"

He was sure asking a lot of questions about my motives but in all he seemed like a nice kid.

"I realised that Phil did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be killed." I wasn't going to trust him with the whole truth, only parts of it.

I had finished giving Carl a good rub down and making sure he had feed and was about to turn and go back into the church before Ranboo said something slightly shocking.

"You don't agree on the plan, you want to go in and kill him yourself." He said it so calmly that if threw me off guard for a second.

I spun around to face him, I hoped that he couldn't see my visible shock at what he had just said but you could barely see my face behind my mask.

"What makes you say that?"

"You weren't paying attention when we were going over the plan and whenever the word 'we' was mentioned you flinched slightly."

My eyes widened fractionally, the only sign of surprise. This kid was observant and I didn't even know that I was doing that.

"I will help you sneak into the castle, I know all the passages and you don't and I can be of help." The more that Ranboo spoke the more he surprised me.

I chose not to reply and instead just walked past him going back down into the church.

Inside everybody was setting up places for bedding and talking with Tubbo and Jack.

I glanced around the room looking for a spot to place my bedding in, although the room was a reasonable size it wasn't massive and most of the space was already claimed.

The only spots available were either right between Phil and Wilbur and right up against the wall. Even though Phil and Wilbur were my family I didn't trust them completely nor feel much of a bond with them.

Walking over to the space against the wall I placed my gear down, I had left my tent outside near Carl and just brought in my bedroll and blanket.

As I was setting my gear down I saw that somebody had once again come to stand beside me, I glanced up and saw that I was Ranboo once again.

"You never gave me an answer, do you want my help or not?"

I sighed, I could tell that he wasn't going to give this up until I gave him and answer. "Fine I would like your help to sneak into the castle, nothing more."

"Great, then meet me by your horse tomorrow night." And with that he just walked away.

I was surprised about how soon he was wanting to do it but I wasn't going to complain, I wanted the King gone as soon as possible with little hassle.

The next night I was preparing my weapons, I decided to take my sword and a small dagger that was hidden in my boot.

Nobody was paying much attention to what I was doing accept for Eret who was looking at me suspiciously, I hoped that they wouldn't try to stop my plans but I couldn't be to sure. I would have to take extra care in sneaking out tonight.


This is a pretty shitty chapter mainly because there is tons of dialogue and I hate doing that.

I'm in Spain but without the s right now, gotta love being a girl.

But on a good note I finally have a storyline written out for this and I am no longer completely making it up as I go along.

I'm fucking impatient and I want to post my two prewritten chapters so here ya go.

Words: 1122

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