Chapter 19

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When I awoke from my slumber I could tell that I was lying on my bedroll in the church and the others were sitting in a circle having a hushed conversation.

I groaned softly as the full pain of my wound hit me. Joel, hearing the noise turned around to see if I was in pain or awake.

"Techno! Your awake!" At his words everybody turned around to face me and Phil came rushing over.

"You fucking moron! You could have died, we had a whole plan to go and take the throne from the king and yet you go and try it yourself and almost get killed in the process! I would have expected that from Tommy or Wilbur but you should have been sensible." His wings flared out with every word, showing that he was getting more agitated the longer he spoke.

I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying and instead I was focusing on his wings. Now more than ever I was curious about how he got them and how I inherited my pink hair when neither Phil, Tommy nor Wilbur have it.



Blood god

I could hear faint whisperings from the voices but there was no specific words that I could pick out and decipher.

I was highly doubting that Phil was my real father considering I had no similar traits to him. Tommy was a spitting image as him while Wilbur had brown hair that was most likely a blond colour like Phil's when he was young.

I however had none of those traits with my pink hair and red eyes. The only thing I had in common with Wilbur who was supposedly my twin is that we are the same height.

Who was Dream's mysterious father and why after finding out who it was why did he choose to turn against me- his oldest friend, and side with the king?

The only reason that Dream would maybe choose the king instead of me was if the king was his father but they looked nothing alike and why would the king leave his son- the heir to his throne- in an orphanage?

Phil knelt down beside me and lifted up my shirt to reveal my side that was wrapped in bandages to protect the wound and staunch the bleeding.

As he peeled off the bandages as carefully as possible as to not hurt me more than he could avoid, I glanced over and saw that my cut was now neatly stitched up and that the skin had been pulled together again but was all red and inflamed from where the stitches had pulled at it.

"So Techno, you want to tell me why you and Ranboo snuck into the castle together?" Phil questioned while wiping my wound with a wet cloth to clear any left over traces of blood where the stitches had leaked.

"First tell me how long I was out and then I will tell you."

Phil sighed before answering my question, "you blacked out as soon as you came back and it's about midday now."

I was surprised to say the least, I knew that it had to at least be the next day but I was expecting it to only be around breakfast time not midday.

I took a deep breath before answering Phil's question. "I didn't want anybody to get hurt or die while trying to take back the throne and I thought that the best way to prevent that from happening was to go and kill the king myself."

"Ranboo was able to tell what I was thinking and he said that he knew a secret way into the castle so he led me there and then I went in by myself. I ran into Fundy and another guard and they called the king." At the mention of Fundy, Wilbur, Niki and Eret didn't even try to conceal that they were listening in on mine and Phil's conversation.

"And then the king came with Dream, George and Sapnap and they attacked me and I thought that Dream wouldn't attack me but he did and said that I betrayed him and that he had found his father just like I had." Phil's face scrunched up when I said the name Dream and when I mentioned that he had found his father before a look of both surprise and recognition flashed across his face.

"Then I ran and Dream caught up to me and we fought and he managed to cut my side but I beat him and I ran to find Ranboo and then we made it back here." I finished my tale with a gasp of air, I wasn't used to talking so much in a short period of time and now my throat was killing me.

"If what he is saying is true then we should move the date of our attack forwards to possibly tonight." Lizzie spoke up, she wasn't very invested in this rebellion and I suspected that the only reason she really was here was because Joel wanted to help for whatever reason.

My conversation had only meant to be for Phil but it was not surprising that everybody was listening and now knew what had gone on in the castle.

"I agree but I don't think that Techno is well enough to fight so soon." Phil said with another glance towards my wound.

I didn't want to be left out of killing the king so gritting my teeth I slowly stood up and tested my side.

To my surprise the cut didn't hurt nearly as much as I would have expected it too even it being so soon after receiving it.

"I can fight."

"TECHNO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Wilbur's concerned voice spoke up.

"I said that I'm well enough to stand so I can fight tonight. I won't let you guys kill the king and take back the throne without me."

Phil sighed, opening his mouth about to object when, "let him fight Phil, I know that he is your son and you have only just got him back but he has the best idea ok wether he is well enough." Eret was the last person I would have expected to stand up for me as I had only interacted with her a few times.

Phil let out a sigh before speaking, "fine you can fight Techno but if you get injured you are to pull back immediately."


Next chapter won't fully be in Techno's POV and instead will probably be in a mixture of peoples.

Anymore ideas on who Dream's father might be and why Techno looks different to Phil and why nobody has wings like Phil?

If you get right the reasons I will tag you in the very last chapter but until then you won't know if you are right.

Also I just noticed that this is getting long and I'm surprised I've kept it going. I made an art book today so if you are interested in that go check it out!

Words: 1206

Ps. I have left hints throughout the book about who Dream's father is and why Techno has pink hair and nobody else has wings.

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