Hello my young padawans! I am assuming that you visited this because you are wishing to follow in my footsteps, and not listen in class. Most of the things I will share with you are thing to do in technology class.
Which means you need to be with a computer.
The reason I made it to be in technology class is because
I am writting this whilst in my technology class.
That brings me to the first point in my list, you could log into wattpad, taking in consideration that your school has not blocked the site, and write a list of things to do in technology class.
Or just a list of things.
Or just a cliche fan fiction.
Or it could be about the boy sitting next to you in technology class, that you've had a crush on for the past 3 days, and you already think that you're in love with him.
Or you can talk about your admiration for the word pickle. I don't actually like pickles, but the word is fun to say!
Fun fact : I'm scared of Pineapples.
Don't ask why, I think it was that I burnt my toungue on pineapple when I was little, I don't know how I managed that, but let's just state that i am afraid of pineapples. Yet I enjoy pineapple juice. Yes, you have the permission to call me strange.
Speaking of pineapples, i've always thought that they were Hawaiien, is this so? Or is that just coconut? I'm not exactly sure..
Second Fun Fact : Coconut is a fruit
Despite having the word nut in it, it is in fact a fruit! i'm not actually sure of this, but I like to assume I am right, in every circumstance. So coconuts are fruits. Like boys have nuts, doesn't mean you could make peanut butter with them. So just believe me, mmkay?
How rude of me to not have introduced myself! Because I know that you care! My name is Fraser, Zoé Fraser. I'm canadian and french, yes I live in an igloo. and yes I ride my polar bear everywhere I go, I drink maple syrup instead of water, and I say eh, alot. If you haven't notticed, i'm billingual.. because if I only spoke french, how the hell would I be writting this in semi-brilliant english?
I dance competitively, Hip Hop, Jazz, Broadway, blahbadiblah.
I paint when I get bored
I play piano when I get bored
I play the guitar when I get bored
I play the Ukulele when I get bored
I sketch when I get bored
I get bored alot.
Anywhore, i'm 14. Yes i know. i'm young. I currently have bright pink hair, but only for this week because then I have to dye it brown. EURGH. I am 5"1 and as white as the snow my land is covered in. I've had 2 boyfriends, well i've had more, but they don't count. Ohkai? ohkai. WELL THIS IS BORING! If I write in caplocks maybe it'll look better.. SO I HAVE TUMBLR AND YOUTUBE AND STUFF, BUT I HAVEN'T BEEN ON YOUTUBE IN A WHILE AND ALL MY VIDEOS SUCK ASS BALLS.
I am very outgoing.
Maybe too outgoing.
I always feel comfortable. Especially when touching peoples. I know it sounds strange but it feels natural to me.
I've been told that i'm crazy, weird, fucked up, random, loud, annoying,
Well I got sidetracked from my list.. but I shall post a new list item tomorrow.. when i'm in technology class:) Chow for Now, my babies<3
- Sincerely, Zoé.