Numbero secoondoo : google yourself.

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Hello again my children. I told you, the 3 of you that read this, or rather the one person that wasn't actually myself showing my friends.  

I have two friends.

One being my sister.


So my second item is to google yourself. I know it's childish, and many of you have already done it. But I mean like remove safe shirt,  I mean search. Or youy could take off your shirt..I wouldn't mind that.. HEHA. *insertlewinkyface* 

Anywhore, google your first name, last name, both together, your instagram name, your tumblr name, your twitter name. Everything. 

Also google your close friends.

Don't have google?


If I didn't have google.. I probably wouldn't have the grades I have.. which aren't very high might I add.

Going on, don't only google image yourself. I want you to google seasrch yourself. 

Find out if some person in Australia has your name, and is rich. You could possibly steal their identity, to eventually receive their money. 

I want you to google maps yourself, you'll see if there's a town named after you. 

Or if google knows your precise location.

I want you to google translate your name. See how they say it in other languages and what it means. My name is :

เฟรเซอร์ Zoe, in thaï.

That had no point. 

Nopw that you've googled yourself in every possible way. 

Search your name on  the urban dictionary,  Hehe, that's always fun.

Well i,m bored of typing. This chapter wasn't very interesting, talk to you later my babies.

Sincerely, Zoé.

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