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I see you running,
skipping, stumbling,
You cower in fear for
Your giant is approaching,
You stumble at
every little bump on your journey
through life,
How small is your faith.

You run, you hide,
Whether or not there is,
A chaser, you do not care to think.
You're blind,
The glow in your eyes are tried,
Fear and doubt have
become your eyes,
In your vision, you see nothing
but impossibie and trials
You're deaf,
deaf to hopes call,
deaf to truth,
deaf to the music of life and love

The storms are free
Free to sweep you off your feet
Free to sweep you underneath
Free to carry you to wherever they
deem fit
'cause you refuse to stand,
to stand your ground, glued to your principles.
Glued to the ground no
matter your obstacles, Why ?

Have you seen your form lately ?
How shadows hang around you,
following you, hovering over your blistered figure
In a gloomy mass ?
Have you seen how they tag along with you,
every move you make, in a cloud
Of smoke, whispering unending lies,
Squeezing every ounce of truth to the last ?

Yet you don't notice because you're glued to the lies,
They have become your daily mantra,
Your anthem, filled with lies of
the ones you told yourself,
the ones they told you,
the ones you begged them to tell you,

I see you hiding,
hiding from the blizzards of life,
The leaves are worn, paper thin,
now, you search for caves,
seeking refuge in the strength
and enormity of high boulders
deep in the mountains,
Now you've got
scales of ice in your eyes,
They harden at every
contact with the cold air,
You're still blind,
you still don't want to see,

I see you.
With a hood you hide your face
You hide your face from Earth's space,
And find your space in the mammoth crowd,
Your hunters' gaze will be sealed you say,
Yes, now there are hunters'
And you have to run like you
always do, your coping mechanism,
your running and hiding has never failed you,
So, you run
You run from your fears,
You run from your tears,
even your friends,
I can do all things you say,
but you have forgotten, arms of flesh fail, it skipped your mind that you can only go so far, and
that two are better than one.
You can only go so far before you stop for you are man and man is dust,and
frail is he with the arms of flesh, till
he is given the the arms of death.

You're in a cave,
Do you still want to  stay ?
Or would you like to hand the
reins of your raging storms to
The one who can save.

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