Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Domino Trelaa

Chapter 1:

Welcome to a world of contradictions

In a kingdom far away, locked in the chambers of time, rests a story dark and foul. A story about a world of shadow, a world where bitter venom runs in your veins. A world of nightmares and curses, that one world where everything is perfect and poisonous. But all that matters is romance.

 Blinded by the sun once more, almighty King Zortog, sets his way to the main hall, early in the morning. It’s been ten years since he lost his kingdom, since the day his son joined the ways of the darkness and became a ranger of the Tien Legion. The king’s League of the Light failed to defeat the followers of the shadow in the battle held in Modrel’s Pass and ever since, his kingdom is no more. Now the forces of the Tien Legion are in control of their world and the practice of the shadow sets the beginning of a new era. The King Zortog’s efforts to crush the practice of the shadow magic beneath his hammer are in vain, the chances of the Light prevailing once more grow weaker everyday that passes. How ever, the ignorant king does not loose faith over his plan, eagerly hoping that the hour of his vengeance has come at last. This day ,today is a crucial moment to his ‘’kingdom’s’’ future, today he awaits news of the battle at Algie’s Lair. He sat at his poorly made  throne and as a coward he was, he kept hoping that others have won his own battle.

His fort was stationed at the old Southern Light Tower. The tower was in ruin, nevertheless, King Zortog demanded a throne. And so, the King got his throne, a wooden, badly curved and poorly crafted throne, placed in the middle of the tower’s shattered main hall. Served the fool right. There he was, all lonely, waiting to claim victory at Algie’s Lair battlefield without even lifting his hammer. The only person to believe in him now long, was his holy magic fanatic daughter, Morela. She was the one pacing up and down the main hall in an irritating and nervous way.

‘’The sun appears only once in seven years in this dark world … ‘’ King Zortog whispered.

‘’What’s that you said father?’’ Morela asked.

‘’Pity we only get to see the magnificence of the sun only once in seven years of darkness’’

‘’Don’t let it take you down father, victory will be ours! And the sun shall take its daily course once more’’

‘’Your words are childlike Morela’’

‘’But, father you know it’s the truth, would you ever give up your kingdom to the hands of those Tien fools?’’

‘’Never! Those Tien maggots shall meet their fate, death’’

‘’We will make them kneel before their maker and face judgment, at last! Victory will b- … ‘’

 And the main hall’s doors opened wide with a shriek, followed by the desperate yelling of the battle messenger,

‘’My lord, enemies are coming our way! The battle in the Lair … we lost, my lord. The best of our warriors gone, our troops killed, only a few of our men managed to survive’’

‘’Impossible!’’  shouted the King, ‘’How could it be that they were stronger?!’’

‘’My lord, everything was going exactly as you ordered, the forces of the Tien Legion were about to retreat until that traitor, ranger Veni, entered the battle in aid of the Legion. It was your son my lord’’

‘’I have no son!’’

‘’Forgive me my lord…’’

‘’This is all meaningless, tell the warchief to order the remaining troops to prepare for battle’’

‘’But, my lord, we are outnumbered…’’

‘’And what do you suggest? Surrender?’’

‘’No, never…’’

‘’Then prepare to battle!’’

‘’Very well my lord’’.

The messenger left the room in a hurry, quickly facing his terrible fate, he would die for nothing…

‘’I want to fight as well!’’ Morela told her father, ‘’… Stand by your side! I shall use my holy powers to win our kingdom back!’’

‘’I will never allow you to stand in the battlefield’’ King Zortog replied, blinded by his crushed ego, ‘’It’s no place for women like you and most importantly it’s no place for my daughter! I will not discuss it any further, pray that I will return to you…. alive’’

And with those last words, the king made his way out of the main hall, to the fury of the battle. He ran out of his fort with a fierce battle roar, only to witness tragedy herself, in a pile of bodies, dead and gone. All his men were shadow-touched, killed in other words, by none other than his own son, the fearless Tien ranger Veni, who now stepped out of the veil of shadow making his way, step by step, closer to his father.

‘’Won’t you pray now, “father”?’’ said Veni and as Grim himself, he raised his shadow-forged sword and guided its blade across his father’s neck, separating the head from the shoulders in a glimpse of time.

‘’All hail the Tien Legion!’’ he shouted with honor.

And from that moment and on, the screaming cry out of Morela seems to echo in your ears still, so frightening and everlasting that you would think she is right behind you, looking with eyes shining of endless rage, a banshee of grief, haunting your dreams.

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