The Fragments of Night

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¶ Chapter | Eleven ¶

Jasmine~~~~~I tuck at the chain and found it attached to the wall

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I tuck at the chain and found it attached to the wall. I crawl towards the wall looking at the hook where the chain is attached.

I grip the chain and start tugging it with all my strength. I twist it in my hands and again tugged it closing my eyes praying that it will come off but nothing happened.

I left the chain and look at my palms it turned red but I didn't give up and again picked up the chain and tugged it desperately. The chain is making sounds as it touches the floor.

" No use it won't open" I heard a deep voice from behind me and the chain fell from my hands.

Why he is here?

Is he going to touch me again?

I'm still in pain.

Didn't he got bored in one night?

I heard the sounds of footsteps coming closer I close my eyes trying to take breaths as my heartbeat turned faster, my hands start getting sweaty and my feets turned cold.

" Turn around" he ordered.

I gulped and slowly turn towards him his feet come into my view and I didn't dare to look up.

Please, please, please don't touch me.

Last night I was intoxicated I don't remember much about what happened other than he throw me on the bed and have his way with me because I'm feeling the pain.

But now I'm sober and I can't handle his presence if he comes closer more than 5 feet to me.

" Why I'm still here? Please let me go" I whispered slowly and my vision blurs because of tears coming into my eyes.

" Why not? Tell me for whom you work?" He questioned, I look up and tears slide from my eye.

" I don't work for anyone I was just a dancer there" he raises his eyebrow and squat down in front of me, I shrink in bed in fear which is behind me.

I fisted my lehenga and try to get further back in bed, his hand move to his back I held my breath keeping my gaze on every moment.

" You're saying the truth?" He take out his gun and looks at it, I nodded frequently.

" Liar" he stated and point his gun at me, my resolve broke and I burst into crying.

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