chapter 14: aid

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after the battle the nirvana became a meeting point so the two worlds could integrate meia chose to join my crew and i stole dita's dread she wouldn't need it anymore and i was sure i would much to truths approval we arrived in our next world where truth specifically told me i should take the argevollen this time i wasn't sure why until i arrived he wanted me to use the
U-link system

"look at me" i whispered as i watched the unit collapse truth wanted me to collect it pilots and all and so brought a squad of GN-X units to collect it and the golden unit

"alright truth is there a reason why i am kidnapping people now" i asked

"it's not kidnapping if they choose to join" truth said

"i didn't give them a choice though" i asked

"the golden one will accept once you speak with her and the other two require medical aid of which only we can provide" truth said

"welcome aboard the akatsuki, i'm captain mikazuki beams akamitsu the man who abducted you" i said

"why" she asked

"ask truth" i said she looked confused

"i am truth" he said as she turned to see the machine spoke

"don't question it you'll get a headache, we really only want your machine, i can have you dropped off before we disembark" i said

"where are you going" she asked

"another dimension" i said

"that's possible" she asked in shock

"thanks to truth yes" i said

"what's your goal" she asked

"i want to rescue someone beyond that we have no real goal, truth has a goal but weather follow it or not i don't know" i said

"i see, i'll join you then, yui takamura reporting" she said

"great another military girl you'd be surprised how many people from different militaries are apart of this crew" i said i said as i waved her off

"we are ready captain our next world, will be the one in which it is created" truth said

"finally" i said

"it" she asked

"look around you, your machine is not the only one nor is it the first we have collected with the ultimate goal of creating something nigh unbeatable the ultimate unit" i said

"i see, so my unit is part of that" she asked

"probably not your unit is more then likely the base for the other units we build there will only be one of our ultimate unit, the rest will be significantly less powerful and purely machine, the ultimate unit is going to be a bio-machine, the peak of human ingenuity of course we first required the data to create such a machine and we have this unit will be able to easily destroy gods, or at least that is our hope" i explained she nodded

"is it wise to have so much power in one person" she asked

"power corrupts absolutely, yes, well you'd probably be right except in my case well, i'm special" i said

"how are you special" she asked

"i was born by merging three souls from three dimensions into one person" i said her eyes widened at that

"you are joking" she said i shook my head

"jaune arc, shinji ikari, and renton thurston, the latter two were pilots of two different biological units, shinji ikari was the pilot of evangelion unit-01 the purple unit, renton thurston was the copilot of the nirvash type-zero the red and white unit holding the giant surf board. the one i am trying to rescue is the other pilot to the nirvash eureka, the thing is i need something powerful enough to make it there" i explained

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