Demon Hunter at Repose

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Salty meat on the stick, the fire just cresting the barrel,

the grill needs more heat before he'll lay his meat

down upon its tight scaly face.

There are more simple ways to eat deer, he thinks,

but they do not involve cooking,

and that is what separates his diet from his prey,

how the dark like it raw in the mouth,

sailva pouring over blood, and the flesh

ground under their gripping teeth. They miss

the simple truth of eating off a stick by a fire,

woodsmoke like memory in the nose.

That's what wrong with them, and the fearful

they live on, no joy in the simple truth of standing

in sunlight, a warm spring day, no rain in sight.

He pulls meat into his mouth and lets the juice

dribble across his chin. He has another hour

before he must road, before he must hunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2013 ⏰

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