10- Lemons and Fruit Cocktail

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Does time pass faster when you keep staring at the clock?

Can you solve a problem if you keep stressing about it?

Can you remember something you forgot if you keep thinking about it?

Can you get answers to questions you have without ever asking the question itself?

No, no, nopety nope.


The heat had sworn to keep increasing, the Rozas of the end days becoming more and more difficult as the energies of the Muslims started to wane, but the light of Islam in their hearts still burned brighter. The belief that they will be rewarded for this Sabr.

However the peace they searched for would not come to them by itself, unless they righted their actions and intentions much like the answers to questions above.

When they spread their hands for dua on the odd nights of Al-Qadr they forget to forget of the wrongs that had been done to them, forget to let go of all the pain and the grudges they had nursed deep in their bosoms.

To let go was what was necessary to move forward, to let go and to forgive, before they asked for peace and forgiveness for themselves.


Tears of helplessness welled up in Zubair's eyes as he sat upon the prayer mat with his hands clapsed together on his lap.

He wanted to raise them in dua.. But there was so much pain; his heart burning in agony, that his body refused to follow through with what he wanted.

The betrayal cut him deep, so vicious, his breaths shuddered as he inhaled.

It hurt, it hurt so much he had never experienced this pain ever before.

Not when he was rejected countless times, not when he was ridiculed for his low income, his lack of education or his plain looks. Never.

This.. This was so much more.

He had never before given away his heart so freely, he had never dared to dream of dreams that he had been dreaming these past few days..They were too beautiful to be true..
And to have them shattered so ruthlessly..

He gasped closing his eyes tighter not wanting but going back to that same moment in the store. Again and again and again.


A few days ago..

Everyone was watching Zubair with eyes narrowed and suspicious.

There was something about him that no one could pinpoint yet could see so evident in his aura that they were confused as to how to approach him on the topic.

Zubair was smiling and not just the lips stretched wide, teeth visible, no. His whole face was smiling. His eyes crinkled to halfmoons, his cheeks full, his brows pushed up. He was smiling a happy smile.

The cousins were the most weirded out by their uncle's behavior. Hadi specially keeping count of each minute incident where Zubair reacted differently then his usual reaction.

"Abey.. Chachu ka sabun mujh se naa Toilet main gir gaya..."

They stared at him, eyes wide.

"Per unhon dantaa hi nhi.." Hadi shrugged confused.

The eyes got wider.

"Oye yarrrr! Maine chachu ki shirt jalaa di white wali!!!!" Lyba came shrieking, almost in tears holding the ruined shirt in her hand.

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